Henry Louis Gates, Jr.'s 100 Amazing Facts About the Negro
  • Should Blacks Collect Racist Memorabilia?
    Henry Louis Gates Jr. makes a case for saving racist imagery that worked in tandem with Jim Crow laws.
  • ’12 Years a Slave’: Trek From Slave to Screen
    As a literary scholar and cultural historian who has spent a lifetime searching out African Americans' lost, forgotten and otherwise unheralded tales, I was honored to serve as a historical consultant on Steve McQueen's "12 Years a Slave," most certainly one of the most vivid and authentic portrayals of slavery ever captured in a feature film.
  • The Black Governor Who Was Almost a Senator
    Why didn't more than one black person serve in the Senate during the Reconstruction era -- a condition that persisted until this year?
  • Why Was Cotton ‘King’?
    Cotton not only ruled in the South, but had a great role in the Northern banking industry, New England factories and in Great Britain.
  • The Truth Behind ’40 Acres and a Mule’
    Find out who came up with this promise to freed slaves after the Civil War, and how it fell through.
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The African Americans: Many Rivers to Cross is a film by Kunhardt McGee Productions, THIRTEEN Productions LLC, Inkwell Films, in assocation with Ark Media.