I am the current day, NAACP President of Madera County, CA 93637, and my Mother’s Family Ancestry is in the State of Mississippi, in Lawrence County.
My Mother was born in 1933, in what was the new name for Lawrence County, the name changed in the early 1920’s to Walthall County. Her Ancestrial Family History, is about “MOSES YOUNGBLOOD”, he was the Leader of the YOUNGBLOOD/BULLOCK CLAN” of Slaves in Lawrence County and he is recorded on the History shared in the Alice Packwood on or through the google search engine. Moses Youngblood was written to have helped the Slaves come out of bondage in 1850, and I am his Descendent, I am the current President of the Madera NAACP Branch 1084, and I am helping our People to stay out of going back into slavery and to help empower their minds to be free through the voting processes afforded them by the Constitution of the United States.
I would like to make a recorded documentary on behalf of my Mother for our Family Generations yet to come can know of their rich and empowering History, to have a help for them to continue forward through all adversity. I am hoping you consider my story as one that would and could be acceptable for many to want to know about and that the Youth that read it will know they too have a History somewhere and need to start searching for it and document it, so that our rich African American Heritage never dies out, but lives on forever. I have the Family Lineage information all the way down to my Mother, her Family and her Grandchildren, it is on the Youngblood Family Tree that is listed on We are still imputing Family names of more Grandchildren and Great-grandchildren, plus two Great-Great-grandchildren at this time.