All posts by David Spener
David Spener is Professor of Sociology and Anthropology at Trinity University in San Antonio, Texas. He is the author of "We Shall Not Be Moved/No nos moverán: Biography of a Song of Struggle "(2016, Temple University Press), "Canto unido: Un encuentro americano" [United in Song: An American Encounter] (2019, Ediciones Radio Universidad de Chile), and co-author of "Canto de las estrellas: Un homenaje a Víctor Jara" [Song of the Stars: A Tribute to Víctor Jara] (2013, Ceibo Ediciones). He is currently writing a book about the solidarity of Chicano Movement artists, musicians, poets and theater groups with Chileans struggling to bring about a return to democracy in their country following the 1973 military coup that overthrew the legitimately-elected socialist government of Salvador Allende.