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A New Look for American Masters


American Masters Site RelaunchWelcome to the newly redesigned American Masters website, with a responsive layout that works on any screen – including smartphones, tablets, and desktops. The site now provides larger videos and an easy to browse list of our Latest Episodes so you can best enjoy our Emmy-Award winning series. On our Video landing page you can sort our documentaries by full episode, shorter clips, and topic.

Our editorial, design, and development teams built the site from a mobile-first perspective because we’re all spending a lot of time on our smartphones — especially one group in particular. Forty-five percent of our next generation of American Masters — millennials — prefer watching video on their mobile device.

The American Masters site is not just a place to watch our broadcast episodes. It’s where we can dive deeper into the remarkable lives and the subjects our films explore, and it’s also where you can take a look at what goes into making a documentary. We offer filmmaker interviews, biographies and timelines, quizzes, book excerpts and more. And for the first time, we’ve cataloged “master stats” for each American Master: at-a-glance details that include biographical details, significant works, quotes, and a citation of the director of the related American Master film.

Also new to the site is Inspiration – a section to view and share photography, quotes from your favorites American Masters, infographics and animated GIFS.

Check this News blog regularly for updates and insights about productions and the people featured in our documentaries. What would you like to see covered in our blog? Send us your wish list in the comment field below and we’ll get started on it.

We welcome your feedback on any of our posts, so don’t be shy to let us know what you think in the comments section on any page. We also encourage you to share your favorite videos, images and quotes with other American Masters fans via the Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TumblrYouTube, and Pinterest icons, or use the email envelope icon to send links directly to family and friends.

Enjoy our September premieres (Althea, Pedro E. Guerrero: A Photographer’s Journey and The Women’s List) on your local station and on the new site. Thank you for watching and being part of the conversation about American Masters. To receive our newsletter, click the envelope on the top black navigation bar. We truly couldn’t do it without “Viewers Like You!”

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