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Screenings & Showings: October 2017


Edgar Allan Poe: Buried Alive
Executive Producer/Writer/Director: Eric Stange

Go beyond the broadcast and join the American Masters community in person! Whether it’s a theatrical screening or a gallery showing, your favorite documentaries can come to life right in your neighborhood. Here are a few upcoming opportunities to join the conversation in October:

Lorraine Hansberry: Sighted Eyes/Feeling Heart

Saturday, October 21 | 7:30 p.m.
AMC Magic Johnson Harlem 9
2309 Frederick Douglass Blvd, New York, NY 10027
New York, NY 10027


October 5 – 7
Hamptons International Film Festival
3 37 Newtown Ln.
East Hampton, NY 11937

Edgar Allan Poe: Buried Alive

Friday, October 20 | 7 p.m.
Morgan Library and Museum
225 Madison Ave.
New York, NY 10016
*Guest Speaker Director Eric Stange

Click here for more screening opportunities in October through WNET and the New York Public Library

Eero Saarinen: The Architect Who Saw the Future

October 4 – 8
International Film Festival Rotterdam

Thursday, October 12
North Carolina Modernist Houses
5409 Pelham Rd.
Durham, NC 27713

Thursday, October 12
Milwaukee War Memorial
750 N Lincoln Memorial Dr.
Milwaukee, WI 53202

Saturday, October 14
Monterey Design Conference
Asilomar Hotel and Conference Grounds
800 Asilomar Ave
Pacific Grove, CA 93950

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