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Five reasons Bob Hope is a comedic genius


Get to know Bob Hope in this short video highlighting his incredible career and his groundbreaking contributions to the entertainment industry.

Major support for This is Bob Hope… is provided in part by the National Endowment for the Humanities, National Endowment for the Arts, and Roslyn Goldstein. Major support for American Masters is provided by AARP. Additional support is provided by Rosalind P. Walter, The Philip and Janice Levin Foundation, Ellen and James S. Marcus, Judith and Burton Resnick, Vital Projects Fund, Cheryl and Philip Milstein Family, The Blanche & Irving Laurie Foundation, and public television viewers.

The filmmakers and American Masters would like to thank our advisors for their time and expertise in making this documentary: James Baughman, Thomas Doherty, Michael Frisch, Kristine Karnick, Laurence Maslon, Clayton Koppes, Robert Snyder and Kathryn Fuller-Seeley.


The Pepsodent Show, starring Bob Hope!

Television: well they finally got me.

Most of the comedy shows go off television for the summer - except that one in Washington.

They tried to set the shiren - uh - sirea - shirirah woah!

I don't know why I use my Sunday set on these days.

I'm gonna blow your brains out!

Let's not do any jokes we didn't plan on, huh?


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