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How Dr. Fauci handled the AIDS crisis


Dr. Fauci’s response to the AIDS crisis in the 1980s was first widely criticized by LGBTQIA+ activists. “We wanted treatment because we were sick and the only place where there was any possible area to get any treatment was through the clinical research system. And that’s what led us to you,” said AIDS activist David Barr. However, in later years he became a widely respected ally, eventually developing lifelong friendships with the activists.


- Cheers!

- Cheers!

Great to see you all.

- Cheers!

Really good to see you.

- I developed long term friendships with the activists.

We were sort of like soldiers in the same war.

I can't precisely remember when we actually first met.

I can't precisely remember when we actually first met.

- We were all positive.

- It was early '89.

- It was early '89.

- We would've been how old?

- I was 28, I was a baby.

(laughter) - I'm gonna die from this.

This isn't gonna be cured for years and years and years and years.

- Maybe that is our future that we're gonna watch each other die.

That's that's not a new thought.

We've been thinking that ever since we started the group.

- We didn't get involved thinking, we're going to get it and we're gonna look at drug regulation and clinical research.

We wanted treatment 'cause we were sick and the only place where there was any possible area to get any treatment was through the clinical research system.

And that's what led us to you.

- You were the target, a major target.

It was ahead of AIDS research, - and we were one of the most hated communities in the country.

- Say the word AIDS in public.

That took the president seven years.

- Reagan.

- The polling showed that homophobia just kept rising during AIDS.

There was a backlash that was just getting worse and worse.

- Act Up!

We'll never be silent again!

- Act Up!

We'll never be silent again!

- Can I have some drugs!

- This is a scientific institution, you don't fit our profiles.

- Get to work!

Get to work!

- When you guys would be theatrical the scientists would run away.

- Anthony Fauci, I piss on you.

What the hell are these people doing?

They're not producing drugs.

- And I was saying, let me put aside the theatrics, The iconoclastic behavior.

The insults.

The disruptions.

I got the point.

Oh, wait a minute.

Just listen to what they're saying.

(car driving) (people conversing) When I went down to the Gay and Lesbian Community Center in New York City, it was like a hundred of you guys.

And I was alone (group laughing) - You keep referring to data and how good it is whether it could be interpreted.

Now, the data, it has not been published.

It's not available for anyone to scrutinize.

So I think that there's inconsistencies here.

- Now that's wrong.

- You keep saying I'm wrong.

- I'll tell you why you are wrong.

You see, this is what I mean.

You make a presumption and I'll tell you why you're absolutely wrong.

- Where is it?

Where is it?

- You go to a phone, you dial 1-800-trials and you ask them to send it to your home.

And they'll send you a packet of the data on that.

- Well, they didn't send it to Act Up.

- They didn't send it to you.

(group chattering) (group chattering) We'll get you the raw data.

The data is available.

The data is available.

We'll give you the data.

I promise you we'll give you the data.

Do you think that there's some conspiracy?

You don't think it exists, so why?

- Do I think there's a conspiracy?

Yes, I do think there is still a conspiracy really to not help in a lot of different ways.

- We're going to move on.

- I'll never forget that meeting.

It was like walking into a lions den with a bunch of lions who you didn't know whether they were gonna sit down and let you pet them or they were going to chew you up.

- We do not have the power to tell people what to do in the way that you do.

You are a politician as much as you are a scientist.

And we understand that and we respect that position.

- Well, I have to disagree with you whether you want to hoot it or not.

I am not a politician.

I have to function in a world that overlaps politics and science, but I have never had a political consideration make any decision that I've made and my decisions are all scientific decisions.

Now you can believe that or you don't have to believe it, but that is the truth.

This is where I disagree with you.

This is nothing personal, strictly business.

I think that you may be naive in understanding how you can get things done in Washington.

You don't get many shots of going out like the Lone Ranger.

You get one shot that gets something done, if you do that.

That's the name of the game.


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