
"I don't have any intention of publishing. There is a stillness that comes from not publishing."
J.D. Salinger
"My mother didn't teach me lessons about being Chinese as strongly as she did the notion of who I was as a female."
Amy Tan
" At that time, no one ever asked a girl, 'Is that something you want to grow up to do?'"
Ellen Ochoa
"If we stood up for what we believed, we were thought of as being difficult."
Kim Cattrall
"I thought it would set us back 50 years if I didn't win that [Battle of the Sexes] match. It would ruin the women's tour and affect all women's self- esteem."
Billie Jean King
"Champions keep playing until they get it right."
Billie Jean King
"My colleagues thought I was an embarrassment because I was talking about mind, body, spirit."
Deepak Chopra
"I saw my future, I pictured it, but didn't know quite how to get there. But I knew that I should never give up."
Tommy Hilfiger
"What can I tell ya? I'd like to thank the makers of Maalax for making all this possible."
Marvin Hamlisch
Marvin Hamlisch Infographics: Shows, Songs and Films
Marvin Hamlisch Infographics: Shows, Songs and Films
"David will do anything for you if you're his friend. If you're his enemy, you might as well kill yourself. - Howard Rosenman"
David Geffen
Inventing David Geffen: Infographics
Inventing David Geffen: Infographics
"I’ve always thought that each person invented himself… that we are each a figment of our own imagination. And some people have a greater ability to imagine than others."
David Geffen
"I can't express myself in a conversation. . . . When we go on stage it’s a whole new world, that's just your whole life."
Jimi Hendrix
"When I’m on stage I’m a complete natural. . . . When I feel like playing with my teeth I do it, because I feel like it."
Jimi Hendrix
" I don't really live on compliments. As a matter of fact, it has a way of distracting me."
Jimi Hendrix