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The Making of the Film and Why Judy Was The Hardest Working Woman in Hollywood

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[Editor’s Note: The following post is part of American Masters’ #InspiringWomanPBS campaign, which highlights the powerful, creative, and innovative women in our lives. Visit the Inspiring Woman page to join the campaign and submit the story of a woman who inspires you.]

There’s the Judy Garland that will always be Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz. And then there’s the Judy Garland who overdosed. That’s what her life has been largely boiled down to.

Credit: Courtesy of 'The John Fricke Collection.' Digital image restoration by Ranse Ransone.

Original image: ‘The John Fricke Collection’ | Digital image restoration: Ranse Ransone | Quote: Judy Garland

In 2012, eight years after American Masters first aired Judy Garland: By Myself in 2004, series creator and executive producer Susan Lacy talked about the film she produced, directed and wrote, as well as how she made a story not about Dorothy, not about the overdose, but about Judy Garland: The hardest working woman in Hollywood.


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