The logic here is, as long as something tragic isn’t happening to Mel Brooks, it’s funny.
The logic here is, as long as something tragic isn’t happening to Mel Brooks, it’s funny.
- The difference between comedy and tragedy is if you walk into an open sewer and die, to me it could be comedy.
Didn't happen to me.
Why do I care?
Who gives a shit?
But tragedy is if I'll cut my finger, a paper cut.
I'll look at it for hours.
What I think I'm trying to illustrate is the innate, incredible selfishness, the love for ourselves and every human being.
We like other people, we do, but if we look in a mirror or we think about ourselves, it's a deep love.
I'm head over heels in love with myself.
I gotta tell you that.
Every night before I go to bed I try to kiss myself.
It's hard.
I'm gonna stop and do it for a minute. (smacks) The best. (smacks) Who could be better?
No one, you're so cute.
You're adorable, I love you.