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Inspiring Woman | Your Stories: Josephine Rubio Flores


[Editor’s Note: The following post is part of American Masters’ #InspiringWomanPBS campaign, which highlights the powerful, creative, and innovative women in our lives. Visit the Inspiring Woman page to join the campaign and submit the story of a woman who inspires you.]

From viewer Sylvia Garza: “My mother was a 10th generation Tejana (Texan) who grew up in a time when women were not appreciated or respected as others. Because of her constant encouragement, we have lived the American dream.”

Since launching the Inspiring Woman campaign, we have been receiving dozens of your stories highlighting the incredible women in your lives. When we started this work, we were focusing on four themes: Academic achievement, artistic expression, community engagement and acceptance of difference.

In order to highlight your amazing stories and the four major themes in the campaign, we’re creating a series of videos. So let’s celebrate these awesome, unstoppable, fierce, friendly, and compassionate women in our lives! Enjoy!


PBS is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization.