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What goes through a drag ballerina’s mind while dancing?


A dancer from “The Trocks” describes what goes through his mind while dancing the part of Odette in Swan Lake. Is he trying to portray a man playing a ballerina? Or just a ballerina? At the end of the day, it’s about relating to the audience.


- When I dance a female role, I am not trying to be a woman, if you want to say.

I am trying to be the character that I'm portraying I'm really trying to channel all the ballerinas that I've been looking up to and all the feelings that this ballerina can portray when she dances that role.

When I'm Swan Queen, I'm not trying to be a woman, playing Odette or a man dressed as a woman playing that role.

Cause that's a, that's a lot.

That's a lot to think about.

I'm just trying to really think of that character.

Then I'm dancing.

Odette is a princess and under the spell of Rothbart and she becomes a Swan.

You have to portray this sort of feeling of being trapped into someone else's body or not able to be yourself.

And that's a feeling I'm sure everybody can relate to in some ways.


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