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Carol Burnett: A Woman of Character

Filmmaker Interview – Kyra Thompson

In this interview, director Kyra Thompson discusses her latest film -- AMERICAN MASTERS Carol Burnett: A Woman Of Character. Q. What first got you interested in doing a film about Carol Burnett? A. I have been a fan of Carol Burnett for years. I know ...

Good Ol’ Charles Schulz

Charles Schulz filmmaker interview with David Van Taylor

Like his famous subject, director David Van Taylor discovered the extraordinary in the ordinary while making AMERICAN MASTERS Good Ol' Charles Schulz. Q: What was the genesis of the project? A: It actually started when I was home visiting my dad in Washington, D.C., a ...

Filmmaker Laurie Coyle

José Clemente Orozco: Man of Fire

Filmmaker interview with Laurie Coyle about José Clemente Orozco

Bold and complex, José Clemente Orozco's iconoclastic personality and dynamic painting made him the conscience of his generation. A film on his life and his art, Orozco: Man of Fire, is directed, written and produced by Laurie Coyle and Rick Tejada-Flores. Below, Coyle answers some ...

John James Audubon: Drawn From Nature

Filmmaker Interview – Lawrence Hott

Award-winning director Lawrence Hott answers some questions about the making of AMERICAN MASTERS John James Audubon: Drawn from Nature. Q: You have made many environmental history films, including The Wilderness Idea, Wild by Law and The Harriman Alaska Expedition Retraced. What is it about Audubon ...

David Hockney: The Colors of Music

Filmmaker Interview – Maryte Kavaliauskas

Over the years, Maryte Kavaliauskas has co-produced films on numerous artists, including Roy Lichtenstein, Frank Stella and Joan Mitchell. Now, she's turning her eye to another renowned artist with AMERICAN MASTERS David Hockney: The Colors of Music. Below, she answers some questions about the film. ...

Les Paul: Chasing Sound

Les Paul filmmaker interview with John Paulson

Director/producer John Paulson has made numerous films on music, fine and performing arts, history and the cultural traditions of the world. With AMERICAN MASTERS Les Paul: Chasing Sound, he turns his attention to an extraordinary musician and inventor. Below, Paulson offers some insight into the ...

Atlantic Records: The House that Ahmet Built

Filmmaker Interview: Susan Steinberg

Since her introduction to filmmaking through the classic rock documentaries Woodstock and Gimme Shelter, Susan Steinberg has developed an intriguing body of work on subjects as diverse as Edward R. Murrow and Paul Simon. In interviews both before and after Ahmet Ertegun's death in December, ...

James Baldwin: The Price of the Ticket

Filmmaker Interview – Karen Thorsen

I first fell in love with the words of James Baldwin during my senior year at Vassar College. While working toward a B.A. in French Literature (along with a D.E.F. degree from the Sorbonne / Institut des Sciences Politiques in Paris), I read everything Baldwin ...

Lucille Ball: Finding Lucy

Filmmaker Interview – Pamela Mason Wagner and Thomas Wagner

American Masters sat down with Finding Lucy director Pamela Mason Wagner and writer Thomas Wagner to get some of their thoughts on Lucille Ball, and what is was like making a film about one of America's best loved comediennes. Q: Why Lucy? Pamela Mason Wagner: ...


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