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It could be your mother, a friend or a teacher. Have they expressed themselves artistically? Worked to better their community? Achieved academic success? Empowered others and embraced diversity? Share their stories here.
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Andie Petrillo

Lancaster, PA, United States

The two women who inspire most are my grandmother and my mom. My maternal grandmother came from Italy when she was just 5 years old and could only speak Italian. She was mocked at schools during a time when immigration was less accepted. She lost her mother at a young age and had to quickly learn how to take care of herself. She was the epitome of the 1950s-60s housewife but was pretty progressive at the same time. She managed to juggle a career as a church secretary and three kids and drove herself at a time when not many women did. My mom inherited her strength from my grandmother. She gave up her teaching job to raise my sister and me. She has sacrificed so much for my education and has constantly encouraged me to pursue my dreams. My grandmother became a loving accepting person and taught my mom to be the same. My mom then taught me to love, accept, and be kind to anyone regardless of race, creed, gender, or orientation. I owe everything I am today to them both.


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