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It could be your mother, a friend or a teacher. Have they expressed themselves artistically? Worked to better their community? Achieved academic success? Empowered others and embraced diversity? Share their stories here.
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Sheri Raleigh


Viola Mary Broussard, my Mama taught me a sense of community. She tokd me stories.Stories of courage, pain, injustice, victory and love. These stories propelled my life into areas I never thought I would go. But go I did, taking all of those stories with me. Viola was also an avid reader. She traveled the world in her books, so I could actually do it! She showed to me how to serve. In the church, home and community. Most importantly by registering people to vote. She worked the polls well into her 70’s. Her commitment to the grass roots movements in Lake Charles were vital. Her passion for life contagious. She always said she was a pessimist. But looking back on her life, her enthusiasm for change was optimistic. Mama always said, “Action speaks louder than words” and “this too shall pass”. Her deep abiding faith in the Lord saw us through difficult times. Encouraging me to step out, step in and step up. To be the change. Thank you Mama.


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