Written by Maribel Arrelucea Barrantes
Pancho Fierro is a very famous painter in my country. I have seen his paintings all my life. And though I can’t remember when I first saw his work, maybe when I was a little girl — for me, the Peruvian history of the 19th Century is with Pancho Fierro’s colors. So, when I went to the Library of the Municipalidad de Lima and met Dr. Gates, it was a wonderful day. I had Fierro’s famous paintings in my hands. I could touch them. On that day I met Dr. Gates, but also Pancho Fierro.

About Maribel Arrelucea Barrantes
Maribel Arrelucea Barrantes is a Peruvian historian. She studied in the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, in Lima, Peru. She has been professor of History in many universities in Peru, as Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal and Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola. Actually, is a professor of History at Universidad de Lima. She studies social and cultural history, slavery, maroons, gender and women’s history, the history of gastronomy, and visual culture of the eighteenth and nineteeth centuries. She is author of Replanteando la esclavitud. Estudios de etnicidad y género en Lima Borbónica (Lima, 2009) She has published essays in volumens including Mujeres, Familia y sociedad en la historia de América latina, siglos XVIII y XXI (Lima, 2006)and Afro-latino voices: Documentary narratives from the Early Modern Ibero-Atlantic World, 1552-1808 (Massachusetts, 2009)
Maribel Arrelucea Barrantes is a Peruvian historian. She studied in the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, in Lima, Peru. She has been professor of History in many universities in Peru, as Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal and Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola. Actually, is a professor of History at Universidad de Lima. She studies social and cultural history, slavery, maroons, gender and women’s history, the history of gastronomy, and visual culture of the eighteenth and nineteeth centuries. She is author of Replanteando la esclavitud. Estudios de etnicidad y género en Lima Borbónica (Lima, 2009) She has published essays in volumens including Mujeres, Familia y sociedad en la historia de América latina, siglos XVIII y XXI (Lima, 2006)and Afro-latino voices: Documentary narratives from the Early Modern Ibero-Atlantic World, 1552-1808 (Massachusetts, 2009)