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Shrinking Cities: [VIDEO] Seeds of progress: How urban farming is changing Detroit’s future

Detroit's urban farming movement is thriving, supplying fresh produce, jobs and revived communities. Desiree Cooper examines this new food-based economy and the issues holding it back.

Aug 23rd, 2011

[VIDEO] Phillip Longman and Julia Whitty on the issue of population

Alison Stewart interviews reporters Phillip Longman and Julia Whitty to discuss how the challenges of population control can be met, and just how serious they are.

Jul 15th, 2011

[VIDEO] Pollution by Population

As the world steadily marches toward record-breaking population figures, Need to Know time travels to the late ‘60s/early ‘70s, a small window of time when “overpopulation” was a frightening issue that occupied a substantial slice of the American psyche.

Jul 15th, 2011

Shrinking Cities: [VIDEO] In Youngstown, it takes a village to shrink a city

Hear some voices from Youngstown, Ohio, which has lost more than half its population and has an ambitious plan to rebuild through shrinking.

Jun 28th, 2011

Shrinking Cities: [VIDEO] Rebirth of the Rustbelt: an architect’s perspective

Can cities like Detroit, Cleveland and Youngstown, Ohio, make a comeback? Reed Kroloff, director of Michigan's Cranbrook Academy of Art, thinks so.

Jun 28th, 2011

Shrinking Cities: [VIDEO] Youngstown, Ohio: The incredible shrinking city

How do the industrial cities of the Rust Belt deal with massive population losses? Youngstown, Ohio, is trying to return the city to its former greatness, albeit on a smaller scale.

May 27th, 2011

Shrinking Cities: [VIDEO] The Land Banker from Flint

Post-industrial cities are facing steep population loss and vast expanses of abandoned property - a phenomenon known as "shrinking." Dan Kildee. president of Community Progress and a leader in the Shrinking Cities movement. talks to Alison Stewart about the need for a national agenda, and the mental shift Americans will need to make before they stop seeing downsizing as failure.

May 27th, 2011

Shrinking Cities: [VIDEO] In Youngstown, a house now abandoned was a home

Filmmaker Derrick Jones documented his own family's history in one house in Youngstown, Ohio. The film "631" chronicles the many good times over the years, as well as the difficulties in maintaining the house with little income, especially after two fires. It is the story of one house, now abandoned, that was once filled with life.

May 27th, 2011

Let’s Get Back on Track for High-Speed Rail

Not too long ago it appeared that the United States was gaining steam in the pursuit of high-speed rail. But recently billions of dollars allocated to high speed rail have been slashed from federal and state budgets. Transportation infrastructure projects create jobs and keep countries competitive, so why the hesitation? Blogger Gridlock Sam reports on the tug-and-war between politics and progress.

May 23rd, 2011

Brits weigh in on America’s transportation network

A recent article in The Economist details just how far behind the United States is when it comes to infrastructure investment. Is the US doomed to stay in "the slow lane"?

May 2nd, 2011

Shrinking Cities: [BLOG] Reversing ‘Blue Flight’ in Detroit

Approximately 53% of Detroit's police force live in the suburbs. Now Detroit's Mayor Bing is trying to entice them back in by offering to contribute to their inner city housing costs. Safer communities and better schools drew them out... can cash incentives lure them back in?

Apr 29th, 2011

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