June 10th, 2009
Headlines: 'City of the Future? Denver's New Urbanism'

This week the Takeaway on Public Radio looks at cities without cars in America. Though no such place exists, some communities are building an infrastructure that will someday lessen the need for the personal automobile . For that reason, transportation writer (and Takeaway Contributor) Matt Dellinger is in Denver, CO – a city that built itself with sprawl. Still, Denver is changing. Denver Mayor John Hickenlooper discusses the reinvention of Denver.

Also, the Congress of New Urbanism – of which Denver is host to – has a new video posted, it’s called “Built to Last” and it is from filmmakers First + Main Media from Julian, CA and Paget Films from Buffalo, NY (John Paget, Dr. Chris Elisara, and Drew Ward).

National Transportation Policy Project

At the same time, the National Transportation Policy Project just released its take on transportation in America: Performance Driven: A New Vision for U.S. Transportation Policy. What they say is that “U.S. transportation policy needs to be more performance-driven, more directly linked to a set of clearly articulated goals, and more accountable for results.”

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