Bridges & Roads

I-35W Bridge Collapse: NTSB stresses connection between bad design and weight

The National Transportation Safety Board hearing into the collapse of the Interstate 35W bridge - NTSB investigators have found the weight of the bridge and construction materials and equipment placed on it forced a poorly-designed and under-sized gusset to fail.

Nov 14th, 2008

The Stance: Overview: The Infrastructure Stance

America's crumbling infrastructure will pose significant problems for the next president. Blueprint America correspondent Rick Karr interviews advisors of both campaigns on how a President McCain or a President Obama would address four major infrastructure issues: roads versus rail; the fraying electrical grid; poor internet service; and whether or not the federal government should invest heavily in infrastructure as part of an economic stimulus package.

Nov 4th, 2008

The Stance: Radio: The candidates on transportation [Election 2008]

Whoever moves into the Oval Office come January will have to work with Congress on a new federal transportation bill. In the first segment of a four part Blueprint America radio series, a report on Barack Obama and John McCain's sharply different positions on what kind of transportation the country needs.

Nov 4th, 2008

America in Gridlock: [VIDEO] More tolls, but better roads in Brazil

Blueprint America -- with Worldfocus -- travels to Rio De Janeiro to see how the government and private companies are partnering to fix Brazil’s highways. Public-private partnerships are also under consideration in America, where states are looking for ways to fund repairs to their roads.

Oct 26th, 2008

America in Gridlock: [OVERVIEW] America in Gridlock

America, for some time now, has forgone its great infrastructure projects. It was the railway that first spread the country out –- developing land, building cities at each stop. The railway soon gave way to the highway –- developing even more land, building even more cities at each exit. But, the highway has yet to give way. BLUEPRINT AMERICA looks at the country’s next infrastructure system and, at the same time, the state of the current system: From transportation –- car, bus, light rail, train and plane –- to the water supply to the energy grid to city development and planning. In recent years, America’s infrastructure neglect has been seen across the country –- levees failed in New Orleans and a bridge fell in Minneapolis. But, neglect is no longer the only reason to rebuild. As the country is in an economic recession, there is a call now to rebuild the American economy by rebuilding the American infrastructure. It is a new New Deal to the country. BLUEPRINT AMERICA reports on how rebuilding America’s infrastructure can both impact the economy and change the current landscape of the country.

Oct 15th, 2008

America in Gridlock: [VIDEO] The Price of Decay

In Pennsylvania, there are nearly 6,000 bridges in disrepair – the most in the nation. According to the Federal Highway Administration, 39 percent of bridges in the state are structurally deficient or functionally obsolete. In the first segment of a five part series on infrastructure in the U.S., NewsHour Senior Correspondent Ray Suarez reports with Blueprint America on Pennsylvania's aging bridges.

Oct 15th, 2008

America in Gridlock: [VIDEO] The Infrastructure Debate — A Two-way Street

The NewsHour’s Ray Suarez talks with Chris Edwards, the director of fiscal policy at the CATO Institute, and Michael Gallis, an urban development consultant, on the future of America’s infrastructure.

Oct 14th, 2008

America in Gridlock: [VIDEO] Ed Rendell: The Infrastructure Governor

Gov. Ed Rendell (D., PA) is an advocate for reforming infrastructure policy and practice in both his state and throughout the rest of America. In Pennsylvania, Gov. Rendell has proposed varying measures to improve the state’s infrastructure, which rates particularly poor in road and bridge quality, from tolling to privatizing public roads.

Oct 14th, 2008

America in Gridlock: [TIMELINE] Driven to Despair: Los Angeles — City on the move

A history of transit in the Los Angeles area as the city modernized at the turn of the 20th Century through today.

Oct 10th, 2008

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