Commuting & Transit

Radio: The candidates on infrastructure stimulus spending [Election 2008]

The collapse of the I-35W Bridge in Minneapolis in 2007 sparked a debate on how best to rebuild America's decaying infrastructure. Where do the presidential candidates stand? In the last segment of a four part Blueprint America radio series, a report on how the country may be able to reinforce its economy and infrastructure at the same time.

Nov 4th, 2008

America in Gridlock: [RADIO] In St. Louis, a cut in bus service on horizon for those that need it most

Blueprint America correspondent Rick Karr travels to St. Louis to visit the people who're likely to suffer the most if transit officials cut service to save the city money.

Nov 1st, 2008

America in Gridlock: [VIDEO] More tolls, but better roads in Brazil

Blueprint America -- with Worldfocus -- travels to Rio De Janeiro to see how the government and private companies are partnering to fix Brazil’s highways. Public-private partnerships are also under consideration in America, where states are looking for ways to fund repairs to their roads.

Oct 26th, 2008

America in Gridlock: [VIDEO] In Singapore, curbing traffic with automatic tolls

Traffic gridlock is hindering economic productivity and increasing pollution in countries around the globe. Blueprint America -- with Worldfocus -- travels to Singapore to see how that country is trying to get commuters out of theirs cars and into rapid transit buses and subways with a traffic congestion pricing plan.

Oct 26th, 2008

America in Gridlock: [OVERVIEW] America in Gridlock

America, for some time now, has forgone its great infrastructure projects. It was the railway that first spread the country out –- developing land, building cities at each stop. The railway soon gave way to the highway –- developing even more land, building even more cities at each exit. But, the highway has yet to give way. BLUEPRINT AMERICA looks at the country’s next infrastructure system and, at the same time, the state of the current system: From transportation –- car, bus, light rail, train and plane –- to the water supply to the energy grid to city development and planning. In recent years, America’s infrastructure neglect has been seen across the country –- levees failed in New Orleans and a bridge fell in Minneapolis. But, neglect is no longer the only reason to rebuild. As the country is in an economic recession, there is a call now to rebuild the American economy by rebuilding the American infrastructure. It is a new New Deal to the country. BLUEPRINT AMERICA reports on how rebuilding America’s infrastructure can both impact the economy and change the current landscape of the country.

Oct 15th, 2008

America in Gridlock: [VIDEO] Nowhere to Grow

There are critical infrastructure decisions that need to be made in the American Southwest if it both wants to continue to expand and be able to support its current population. In the third segment of a five part series on infrastructure in the U.S., NewsHour Senior Correspondent Ray Suarez reports with Blueprint America on how the suburbs of Arizona grow with no boundaries.

Oct 15th, 2008

America in Gridlock: [VIDEO] The Big Dig

In the last segment of a five part series on infrastructure in the U.S., NewsHour Senior Correspondent Ray Suarez reports with Blueprint America on the critical lessons learned from Boston's Big Dig.

Oct 15th, 2008

America in Gridlock: [VIDEO] The Infrastructure Debate — A Two-way Street

The NewsHour’s Ray Suarez talks with Chris Edwards, the director of fiscal policy at the CATO Institute, and Michael Gallis, an urban development consultant, on the future of America’s infrastructure.

Oct 14th, 2008

America in Gridlock: [VIDEO] The Big Builder

Fred Salvucci, commonly referred to as "The father of the Big Dig," about his thoughts on the largest, most expensive U.S. infrastructure project to date.

Oct 14th, 2008

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