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Wide Angle: Peruvian Water Supply in Peril

This scenario has been playing out from Congo to the Philippines: mining operations from the developed world move into ore-rich, but impoverished areas of developing countries.

Nov 11th, 2008

On the Grid

Rick Karr, Blueprint America correspondent, writes about his work so far on the PBS infrastructure project.

Nov 10th, 2008

The Role of Private Capital in Public Infrastructure Projects

A recent program held by the Manhattan Institute explores the possible roles of private sector finance and management, whether as a complement or as a substitute for traditional government ownership and operation, in building and maintaining infrastructure.

Nov 10th, 2008

Jim Oberstar, Transportation Secretary?

Some pundits suggest Rep. James Oberstar (D., MN), Chair of the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, could be near the top of the list for Transportation Secretary in the Obama administration.

Nov 6th, 2008

Infrastructure on the Ballot: President-Elect Obama looks to infrastructure

President-Elect Barack Obama may spend on highways and bridges to stimulate the U.S. Economy.

Nov 5th, 2008

Infrastructure on the Ballot: In St. Louis, Tax to Fund Transit Fails

Proposition M – the half cent sales tax increase that would have gone to fund St. Louis metro – failed at the polls on Nov. 4, 52 percent to 48 percent. Metro will now have to decide if it will follow-through on its threat to cut transit services, including the Call-A-Ride buses.

Nov 5th, 2008

Infrastructure on the Ballot: In L.A. County, a Tax Increase to Fund Transit

Los Angeles County voters approved a half-cent sales-tax increase, expected to raise as much as $40 billion, for area infrastructure projects.

Nov 5th, 2008

Infrastructure on the Ballot: California Bullet Train Funding

California voters approved $9.95 billion to fund a high-speed train network linking Southern California with the Bay Area.

Nov 5th, 2008

The Stance: Overview: The Infrastructure Stance

America's crumbling infrastructure will pose significant problems for the next president. Blueprint America correspondent Rick Karr interviews advisors of both campaigns on how a President McCain or a President Obama would address four major infrastructure issues: roads versus rail; the fraying electrical grid; poor internet service; and whether or not the federal government should invest heavily in infrastructure as part of an economic stimulus package.

Nov 4th, 2008

The Stance: Radio: The candidates on transportation [Election 2008]

Whoever moves into the Oval Office come January will have to work with Congress on a new federal transportation bill. In the first segment of a four part Blueprint America radio series, a report on Barack Obama and John McCain's sharply different positions on what kind of transportation the country needs.

Nov 4th, 2008

The Stance: Radio: The candidates on the Grid [Election 2008]

Americans take the electrical supply for granted. But the Grid - the system that transmits electricity to homes and offices - is aging and prone to serious glitches. In the second segment of a four part Blueprint America radio series, a report on how Barack Obama and John McCain say they will keep the lights on.

Nov 4th, 2008

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