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The Stance: Radio: The candidates on Internet infrastructure [Election 2008]

International studies have argued that Americans pay more than Europeans and Asians for significantly worse internet service. In the third segment of a four part Blueprint America radio series, a report on where John McCain and Barack Obama stand on bringing the country's Internet service up to speed.

Nov 4th, 2008

Radio: The candidates on infrastructure stimulus spending [Election 2008]

The collapse of the I-35W Bridge in Minneapolis in 2007 sparked a debate on how best to rebuild America's decaying infrastructure. Where do the presidential candidates stand? In the last segment of a four part Blueprint America radio series, a report on how the country may be able to reinforce its economy and infrastructure at the same time.

Nov 4th, 2008

America in Gridlock: [RADIO] In St. Louis, a cut in bus service on horizon for those that need it most

Blueprint America correspondent Rick Karr travels to St. Louis to visit the people who're likely to suffer the most if transit officials cut service to save the city money.

Nov 1st, 2008

the dig
Infrastructure and the stimulus package

The New York Times reports on the growing movement in Washington to devote the next stimulus package to infrastructure spending. Rep. Jim Oberstar (D., MN), Chairman of the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, has been outspoken in his belief that public works spending needs to start now. He responded to opponents who argue that infrastructure spending would take too long to create a meaningful number of jobs quickly.

Oct 31st, 2008

Lock and Dam

The Pittsburgh-Review rings the alarm bell today, reporting on how critical it is for U.S. locks and dams to be maintained and rehabilitated. An Army Corps of Engineers project to rebuild locks and dams on the lower Monongahela River might cost twice as much and take three times longer to complete than initially estimated.

Oct 27th, 2008

Public-Private Renovation in Poughkeepsie, NY

A century-old railroad bridge made unusable after its partial destruction by fire in 1974 is being brought back to life through a $35 million public-private partnership. Once the renovation is completed, the bridge, located in Poughkeepsie, NY, will be the longest pedestrian bridge in the country.

Oct 27th, 2008

America in Gridlock: [VIDEO] More tolls, but better roads in Brazil

Blueprint America -- with Worldfocus -- travels to Rio De Janeiro to see how the government and private companies are partnering to fix Brazil’s highways. Public-private partnerships are also under consideration in America, where states are looking for ways to fund repairs to their roads.

Oct 26th, 2008

America in Gridlock: [VIDEO] In Singapore, curbing traffic with automatic tolls

Traffic gridlock is hindering economic productivity and increasing pollution in countries around the globe. Blueprint America -- with Worldfocus -- travels to Singapore to see how that country is trying to get commuters out of theirs cars and into rapid transit buses and subways with a traffic congestion pricing plan.

Oct 26th, 2008


Blueprint America -- with Worldfocus -- in a two-part report on infrastructure challenges and solutions around the world.

Oct 26th, 2008

America in Gridlock: [RADIO] The Delaware Aqueduct’s sprung a leak!

The longest tunnel in the world supplies New York City with drinking water - and it's leaking. Blueprint America correspondent Rick Karr takes a look at the catastrophe that's unfolding several hundred feet underground.

Oct 24th, 2008

Audio: Extended Interviews

Blueprint America correspondent Rick Karr in extended interviews with the Deputy Commissioner of NYC Department of Environmental Protection in the Bureau of Water Supply and a staff attorney with the environmental advocacy group Riverkeeper regarding the leak in the Delaware aqueduct.

Oct 24th, 2008

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