Other Recent Stories

Nuclear Revival

As part of a series on the energy challenge, The New York Times examines the burgeoning renaissance of nuclear power in the United States. The obstacles facing the industry seem daunting, but changes are underway.

Oct 24th, 2008

The Imperial Valley water reservoir

California began construction on a $250 million reservoir to store water from the Colorado River that, until now, has been flowing down into Mexico.

Oct 22nd, 2008

‘Slow Train Coming’: Rail safety bill

President Bush signed into law the rail safety and Amtrak bill.

Oct 21st, 2008

Presidential candidates on infrastructure

As a solution to the economic crisis, the presidential candidates look to the American infrastructure.

Oct 20th, 2008

A reNewed Deal?

Even before the bailout, a non-partisan initiative, Building America’s Future, had already called for a similar government expansion, but in funding infrastructure projects.

Oct 16th, 2008

Hard Times

Already, the financial crisis has affected infrastructure projects throughout America.

Oct 16th, 2008

America in Gridlock: [OVERVIEW] America in Gridlock

America, for some time now, has forgone its great infrastructure projects. It was the railway that first spread the country out –- developing land, building cities at each stop. The railway soon gave way to the highway –- developing even more land, building even more cities at each exit. But, the highway has yet to give way. BLUEPRINT AMERICA looks at the country’s next infrastructure system and, at the same time, the state of the current system: From transportation –- car, bus, light rail, train and plane –- to the water supply to the energy grid to city development and planning. In recent years, America’s infrastructure neglect has been seen across the country –- levees failed in New Orleans and a bridge fell in Minneapolis. But, neglect is no longer the only reason to rebuild. As the country is in an economic recession, there is a call now to rebuild the American economy by rebuilding the American infrastructure. It is a new New Deal to the country. BLUEPRINT AMERICA reports on how rebuilding America’s infrastructure can both impact the economy and change the current landscape of the country.

Oct 15th, 2008

America in Gridlock: [VIDEO] The Price of Decay

In Pennsylvania, there are nearly 6,000 bridges in disrepair – the most in the nation. According to the Federal Highway Administration, 39 percent of bridges in the state are structurally deficient or functionally obsolete. In the first segment of a five part series on infrastructure in the U.S., NewsHour Senior Correspondent Ray Suarez reports with Blueprint America on Pennsylvania's aging bridges.

Oct 15th, 2008

America in Gridlock: [VIDEO] Return to Sender

America’s ports are its economic lifeline to the rest of the world, and are in danger of becoming a hindrance to our nation’s success. In the second segment of a five part series on infrastructure in the U.S., NewsHour Senior Correspondent Ray Suarez reports with Blueprint America from one of the nation's busiest ports: New Orleans.

Oct 15th, 2008

America in Gridlock: [VIDEO] Nowhere to Grow

There are critical infrastructure decisions that need to be made in the American Southwest if it both wants to continue to expand and be able to support its current population. In the third segment of a five part series on infrastructure in the U.S., NewsHour Senior Correspondent Ray Suarez reports with Blueprint America on how the suburbs of Arizona grow with no boundaries.

Oct 15th, 2008

America in Gridlock: [VIDEO] Flying Blind

A look at how America’s air transportation system – once a source of national pride – has become a frustrating example of the country’s struggling infrastructure. In the fourth segment of a five part series on infrastructure in the U.S., NewsHour Senior Correspondent Ray Suarez reports with Blueprint America on the crowded skies above.

Oct 15th, 2008

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