All Posts Tagged With: "Barack Obama"

On the Grid: Transit in the Stimulus Bill

Transit funding has taken a big hit in the House version of the stimulus bill, and yesterday some bloggers were speculating that it was because House Transportation and Infrastructure Chairman James Oberstar (D., MN) had rolled over and allowed the money to go to tax cuts instead. But, the situation may not be as bad as it looks –- yet.

Jan 23rd, 2009

But, will it work? The American Recovery and Reinvestment Bill of 2009

Following his election last November, then President-elect Barack Obama continually advocated for federal spending on infrastructure projects to stimulate the depressed economy and, at the same time, to not just rebuild America’s failing infrastructure but to also establish a Twenty-First Century country.

Jan 22nd, 2009

Confirmation of Transportation Secretary nominee in question

The confirmation of President-elect Barack Obama's nominee for Transportation Secretary was delayed just before the hearing was to begin. Former Congressman Ray LaHood (R., IL) had his confirmation hearing postponed until at least next week as the Senate Commerce Committee is still waiting to get some background paperwork from the President-elect’s transition team – information that is traditionally provided on nominees.

Jan 15th, 2009

Profiles from the Recession: [VIDEO] The Big Fix

In a Blueprint America special, David Brancaccio (NOW on PBS) interviews Nobel Laureate and The New York Times columnist Paul Krugman about President-elect Barack Obama's proposed stimulus package - how government spending on infrastructure projects will impact America's economy in these hard times.

Dec 31st, 2008

Profiles from the Recession: [VIDEO] Paul Krugman’s Big Fix

Blueprint America -- with host David Brancaccio (NOW on PBS) -- interviews economist Paul Krugman on the effect a stimulus in infrastructure spending will have on the American economy.

Dec 31st, 2008

Analysis: On the Stimulus

The upcoming Blueprint America special, The Big Fix, will include an interview with The New York Times op-ed columnist and recent Nobel laureate. Take a look at what he and others have had to say on how infrastructure spending will impact the economy.

Dec 19th, 2008

Team of Rivals – Obama’s Republican Transportation Secretary

President-elect Barack Obama is set to announce Rep. Ray LaHood, Republican of Illinois, as his choice for transportation secretary. The moderate-Republican will be nominated to lead a department that will oversee much of the vast public works programs proposed by the President-elect intended to stimulate the economy.

Dec 19th, 2008

Building a Smarter Country

Leading transportation engineer and former New York traffic commissioner Sam Schwartz analyzes President-elect Obama's plans to boost spending on America's infrastructure.

Dec 19th, 2008

What happens after the stimulus package?

U.S. mayors on December 9, 2008, called on President-elect Obama to channel infrastructure spending directly to cities rather than state governments. Consequently, there could be a problem with how infrastructure projects receive funding once the next stimulus bill is passed. However, there may be some lessons to be learned from how the New Deal was managed.

Dec 9th, 2008

A New New Deal

As unemployment continues to increase, President-elect Obama further outlines his stimulus plan for the country, including infrastructure and green energy projects.

Dec 8th, 2008

That’s economic stimulus you can believe in, probably

President-elect Barack Obama and leaders in Congress are developing a multi-billion dollar green-jobs program to both stimulate the economy and put in place the groundwork for a more energy-efficient country. But, will it work?

Dec 4th, 2008

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