All Posts Tagged With: "The No. 13 Line"

The no. 13 line
Looking for a New Way to Fund Transportation Infrastructure – a Road Less Traveled

As the sage Yogi Berra once said, “When you come to a fork in the road, take it!” When it comes to financing transportation infrastructure, our nation has come to a fork in the road and we must take action.

Jun 19th, 2009

the no. 13 line
The Interstate Rail Defense Network

President Obama’s high-speed rail plan is noble but sounds like and is today just a way to speed trips between certain cities (10 corridors at the moment). That’s just too short-sighted. We need a vision that links the country, all the major urban centers, together with high-speed rail.

May 20th, 2009

The No. 13 Line
Reauthorization 2009: The Year of Transportation

This is our year. Infrastructure is no longer just a word thrown about by policy wonks and engineers. The public, and more importantly politicians, have made public works, especially transportation, a front and center issue.

Apr 16th, 2009

The No. 13 Line
A New Vision for New York Rail

Today on The Number Thirteen Line: The future of rail transportation in New York. The Number Thirteen Line is a monthly blog about transportation in New York and around the world by "Gridlock Sam" Schwartz and Annie Weinstock.

Mar 17th, 2009

The No. 13 Line
The Stimulus Package and its impact on transportation

Welcome to the inaugural issue of The Number Thirteen Line, a monthly blog about transportation in New York and around the world by "Gridlock Sam" Schwartz and Annie Weinstock. This month’s topic: The Stimulus Package and its impact on transportation.

Feb 25th, 2009

Building a Smarter Country

Leading transportation engineer and former New York traffic commissioner Sam Schwartz analyzes President-elect Obama's plans to boost spending on America's infrastructure.

Dec 19th, 2008

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