All Posts Tagged With: "Transportation Desk"

Profiles from the Recession: [VIDEO] A Place Called Home — The graying of suburbia

American infrastructure, one of the central themes of President Obama's State of the Union address this week, isn’t the only thing that’s aging. Baby boomers are too. This year, the first baby boomers turn 65 -- and many will celebrate their birthdays in neighborhoods that were not designed for senior citizens. We’re talking about America’s suburbs. They were ridiculed as a bastion of conformity in the song “Little Boxes.” But in fact, some communities are breaking away from suburban sameness in order to make the infrastructure changes that baby boomers are about to require. Correspondent Maria Hinojosa has this Blueprint America report.

Jan 28th, 2011

Profiles from the Recession: [REPORT] Rail Politics: The choice — build or save our way out of Recession

After making headlines for weeks, yesterday New Jersey Governor Chris Christie made it official: He's killing the commuter rail tunnel between Manhattan and New Jersey. The project is too expensive, he says, and his state doesn't have the money to cover its share of the costs. The demise of the largest public works project in decades illustrates the stark political choice many voters will make next week: either spend our way out of the Recession with big projects like high-speed trains and tunnels or save our way out with good old fashioned belt-tightening.

Oct 28th, 2010

Profiles from the Recession: [VIDEO] HUD Secretary Donovan: In recession, housing + transportation costs add up

The average family in America today spends 52 percent of its income on housing and transportation. In this Blueprint America interview, John Larson talks with Housing and Urban Development Secretary Shaun Donovan about how transportation adds to the true cost of housing.

Sep 28th, 2010

Reshaping Suburbia: The fight against childhood obesity

Seventeen percent of American kids are obese. Not a little chubby, but actually obese. Many American cities are also unhealthy by design: The infrastructure we've built keeps us in our cars longer and discourages us from walking or biking. A report from Somerville, MA, on the reshaping of suburbia.

Sep 28th, 2010

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