Although she practically made a career in middle age as one of the ever-curious panelists on the prime time, daytime, and syndicated versions of the game show TO TELL THE TRUTH during the 1950s, ’60s, ’70s, and even a brief 1990 revamp, Kitty Carlisle actually enjoyed a successful stage career before and during her question-posing days. She also made a brief try at film stardom in the ’30s, and performed very occasionally in movies and TV over the decades. In recent years, though, Carlisle has done her most important work at charity events and in arts administration, serving as chair of the New York State Council of the Arts for 20 years.
Privately educated at schools in Lausanne, London, Paris, and Rome, the New Orleans-born Carlisle later studied for the theater at RADA and at Paris’ Theatre de l’Atelier. A tall brunette with an opera-trained voice, she made her stage debut in a touring company of “Rio Rita” and debuted on Broadway in “Champagne, Sec” in 1933. The movie musical, which had been dormant for several years after the early sound explosion, was reviving, and Carlisle was put under contract by Paramount. She debuted in the enjoyably odd backstage mystery musical MURDER AT THE VANITIES (1934), and that same year was in two fun Bing Crosby vehicles, HERE IS MY HEART (as a princess) and SHE LOVES ME NOT (playing second lead behind Miriam Hopkins). Carlisle looked classy and sang well, but her roles were fairly standardized leading lady types, and in general her male co-stars and the zany comic supporting players won all the kudos. This was especially the case in her last film for eight years, A NIGHT AT THE OPERA (1935); while Carlisle and Allan Jones provided the romance and the songs, the Marx Brothers anarchically satirized any bourgeois convention in sight.

Kitty Carlisle Hart in MURDER AT THE VANITIES.
Kitty Carlisle Hart
- "Champagne, Sec"
- "On Your Toes"
- "Three Waltzes"
- "Walk with Music"
- "White Horse Inn"
- Lorenz Hart
- Moss Hart
- Richard Rodgers
- Shubert Brothers
- Elaine Stritch
Source: Excerpted from Baseline. BaselineStudioSystems — A Hollywood Media Corp. Company.
Photo credits: Photofest