Civil Courage
Civil rights activist Eric Ward has identified a worrying new fault line in the U.S. civil rights community amid the ongoing, post-October 7th protests, with people taking “sides”, rather than focusing on solutions.
Exploring Hate’s new 5-part series, Dialogue for Change, hosted by Hari Sreenivasan, invites viewers to listen harder, dig deeper, and break the box in the contentious Israel/Hamas narrative gripping the world since Oct 7th.
Hari Sreenivasan—host of PBS Take on Fake and contributor to Amanpour & Company—leads in-depth discussions with distinct voices from Gaza, Israel, and the U.S., each speaking from their personal experiences of war zone loss, attacks on democracy, eyewitness reporting, global history, and dual/dueling faiths. Listen in as each guest takes a stand on fighting entrenchment and finding common ground.
Featuring: Ahmed Fouad Alkhatib | Matti Friedman| Professor Pamela Nadell| Eric K. Ward | Nada Higuera and Heidi Basch-Harod