october 7

Civil Courage

April 18, 2024 | Episode 4

Civil rights activist Eric Ward has identified a worrying new fault line in the U.S. civil rights community amid the ongoing, post-October 7th protests, with people taking “sides”, rather than focusing on solutions.

The Oldest Hatred

April 11, 2024 | Episode 3

Are we witnessing the "high tide” of American antisemitism? Professor, writer, and American Jewish historian Pamela Nadell says the explosion of vitriol post-October 7th is built on decades of rhetoric targeting Jews.

Voice from Gaza

March 28, 2024 | Episode 1

Listen harder, dig deeper, break the box: Unexpected voices challenge the hate gripping the world since Oct 7th. A new 5-part series.

Dialogue for Change: Post October 7th

March 28, 2024 | Video

Listen harder, dig deeper, break the box: Unexpected voices challenge the hate gripping the world since Oct 7th. A new 5-part series.