Extremism In America | Preview

According to government officials, domestic terrorism by white supremacists is the nation’s most urgent threat. EXTREMISM IN AMERICA, from Retro Report and The WNET Group’s Exploring Hate initiative, shows how the spread of extremist beliefs and violence was downplayed for decades by policymakers and law enforcement even as this dangerous ideology, fueled by racism, grew into a potent force today. 

Exploring Hate: Antisemitism, Racism and Extremism is a public media initiative from The WNET Group in New York. 


- The idea that whites are under threat

is probably the single most important thing

driving the really dramatic expansion of the Radical right.

- [Narrator] The rise of domestic terrorism

and hatred in the United States.

- The radical right was growing

and it was becoming more lethal, more dangerous by the day.

- [Narrator] Presented by Retro Report in partnership

with the WNET Groups, Exploring Hate initiatives.

Extremism in America.