Germany’s Neo Nazis & The Far Right | PROMO

FRONTLINE investigates the rise of far-right extremism and violence in Germany. The documentary traces how extremists have carried out terror plots and attacks on Jews and migrants, infiltrated the security services, and what authorities are doing to confront the growing problem.


>> They are part of a new wave of far-right populism.

>> Would you say it's getting more dangerous?

>> The frequency is higher now.

>> NARRATOR: An alarming resurgence...

>> And you think there are possibly tens of thousands of

people sharing this material?

>> NARRATOR: Of a violent ideology.

>> Neo-nazis beated me up.

>> And if your own policeman and your own soldiers are part of

the scene, the problem obviously gets even bigger.

>> NARRATOR: Frontline investigates, Germany's

neo-nazis and the far right.