I Dream of Genome
Video Segments

Stream the video segments from the playlist below, or scroll to the bottom of the page to find downloadable QuickTime versions of the videos. These videos are also used in the lesson plan “I Dream of Genome” (grades 9-12).

Downloadable QuickTime versions of the video segments:
(Note: To download a video, right-click on the video title and click “Save Link As…” or “Save Target As…” On a Mac, press the CTRL key and simultaneously click the mouse, then save the link.)

Clip 1: Frenetic Genetics
This segment includes examples of the types of genetic information contained in the human genome – physical traits, behaviors, and propensity for diseases.

Clip 2: All in the Family
This segment details the process of documenting family history and tracing lineage back through maternal and paternal lines.

Clip 3: Migration Sensations
This segment details the process of human migration through haplogroups, and shows the haplogroups of some of the series’ guests.

Clip 4: A Piece of the Pie
This segment covers what DNA can tell us about our ethnic identities that regular genealogy might not.

Lesson plans for FACES OF AMERICA were created by the LAB@Thirteen, Thirteen’s Community and Educational Outreach Department.

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