A Cold Reception: Anti-Immigrant Sentiment in the United States
Video Segments

Stream the video segments from the playlist below, or scroll to the bottom of the page to find downloadable QuickTime versions of the videos. These videos are also used in the lesson plan “A Cold Reception: Anti-Immigrant Sentiment in the United States” (grades 7-9).

Downloadable QuickTime versions of the video segments:
(Note: To download a video, right-click on the video title and click “Save Link As…” or “Save Target As…” On a Mac, press the CTRL key and simultaneously click the mouse, then save the link.)

Clip 1: A Colony of Aliens
This segment reveals Ben Franklin’s objection to German immigrants in colonial Pennsylvania.

Clip 2: Who’s White?”
In this segment Queen Noor learns of her Syrian ancestors’ legal claim that for naturalization purposes they should be considered white rather than Asian.

Lesson plans for FACES OF AMERICA were created by the LAB@Thirteen, Thirteen’s Community and Educational Outreach Department.

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