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Your Tributes to George

Richard Young – Oops Publishing Ltd. 2002

We want to thank everyone who shared their recollections and comments about George Harrison as well as the program. Please leave your tributes to George Harrison in the comments field below.

Jean King
“Concert for George” was the most touching concert I’d ever seen. As I watched and listened, I experienced tremendous grief, but oddly, alongside the grief I also felt joy — tears either way. I was awed by the beautiful performances given by his extremely talented group of friends.

Thank you for your spirituality, truthfulness, and beautiful music. You will be truly missed. Our spiritual world is in for a treat with you entering it. Thanks for “little George,” Dhani.

Lily Gale Chalker
Dearest gorgeous George,

You were always my favorite Beatle and I knew, even from the age of eight, way back in the early ’60s, that you were a truly unique and special human being. Even amongst the world of the talented and famous you shone out like a gem.

Your words resonate in the same key as the ones that sing in my soul. Your guitar work was always sublime. What a beautiful being to have graced this tired and tarnished world of ours. Your music will carry us on until we, too, are freed and will join you in paradise. All my love and blessings go also to you forever for so deeply touching my heart.

Sara H.
I fell in love with you at 13 years old. At 53, I find you more lovely than ever. Thank you for your music and your spirit, which are both an enduring love song.

Part of my youth, you symbolized innocence and hope and spiritual peace. Thank you for reminding me through your music of the importance of all three. Bless you, George, and your family. I shall not forget you.

Anne Waters
George was by far my favorite Beatle, and it is uncanny that Dhani looks so much like him. Long live his wonderful music!

Kevin Sio
I taped the show last week [and] just got thru it yesterday. It took me so long because I kept weeping.

Robin Puchala
George influenced me to be more spiritual. I am now a very happy, very committed born-again Christian — who speaks the truth, not the lies. God’s Peace.

Rob Peters
As a 12-year-old in 1963, I heard this group from England. Four of us formed the “Whitman (Junior High) Beatles” and sang their songs in the back of the classroom. I went on to play in a band until the end of high school. George and the Beatles, with their music and lyrics, shaped my life. I saw the CONCERT FOR GEORGE tribute and spent many a moment tearing up with pride of his accomplishments. This, in a way, gave credence to what I feel are things that are still important in my life — music and love.

David C. Martzolff
Absolutely phenomenal. This man was a great musician. And all the great musicians paying tribute to him only happens once every 10 or 15 years. You don’t come across the Gods of music on one stage very often. Thanks for airing such a great concert dedicated to a great person. Keep it up.

Your songs of love taught me so much, your songs of life taught me to live in a new direction. Thank you. May peace come to you all.

Ramanya Dasa (Hector Guzman)
Hare Krishna George, thank you for helping our Gurudevi Shrila Prabhupada, the acarya of the Hare Krishna movement. You became very important and very dear to our guru for your devotion and your contributions. You make many people very happy all over the world, your mansion [Bhaktivedanta Manor] in England became a Hare Krishna temple, and you help to print a Krishna book, so you are a very special personality and a great devotee of Lord Krishna. Thank you for all your contributions to humanity in so many different ways. You will be eternally spiritually happy, and you are part of history for your great dedication to help humanity.

Bill Ferrell
A great influence on my spiritual life.

Last night the CONCERT FOR GEORGE was outstanding — one of the greatest musical tributes I’ve ever seen!! Awesome!! Still had a few tears to shed. Beautiful!!

George touched so many lives with his incredible talent. He will live on in his music.

P. Scott Klimek
He will be deeply missed by us all. I am honestly speechless when it comes to describing the effect his music has played in my life. God bless!

Lenore Hubal
I think George Harrison is perhaps the most underappreciated Beatle. George was unique in his sound, his writing, and his gentle spirit. He always seemed so genuine in his love for music, never seeming to be swayed by the amount of fame and adulation received by the Beatles. “My Sweet Lord” is maybe the most beautiful song I’ve ever listened to, and I don’t just mean in a religious sense. He is a singularly talented person the world will miss.

Dave Rinehart
I will always love George’s music. I have [been] following George all my life and it was GREAT to see George get the credit he deserves and his friends and son all playing on stage. It was the greatest live concert I have ever seen. George proved after the Beatle split that he was the most talented Beatle.

Lydia Chotiswatdi
I miss you so much.

Denise M.
My first love … such a spiritual man whose words promise to enlighten those who truly listen.

Last night’s CONCERT FOR GEORGE on PBS moved me to tears. All these great performers who played his music, which he had crafted with body, mind, and soul. Like so many others, George was the driving influence that inspired me to learn and play guitar. His legacy of beautiful songs will endure the test of time. George, you are dearly missed!

Tom Vanderstoop
After watching the tribute concert last night, which incidentally I ordered, it was scary to see how George was cloned. His son Dhani being a spitting image. I was really impressed by the warmth all musicians showed, especially Eric Clapton. George, the least “flashy” Beatle, turned out to be the most endearing.

Emily Waymire
George touched our humanity and spirituality in ways no other artist has. George’s compositions resonate in an inspired realm within us to strive to seek humankind’s greater good.

Cathy Schiel
I always thought the Quiet Beatle was the “cute Beatle,” and I loved listening to his songs when I would spend the night at my sister’s, as I was only five when the Beatles broke up. Everything I ever read made me admire such a great soul/humanitarian.

Terri Zimmerman
I so enjoyed watching the CONCERT FOR GEORGE. I could actually feel the love and the energy. It was almost as if I were there! I am eternally grateful for the music and love that was George. His spirit and his music will live on. Love and peace, George.

Steve K
How sad to lose someone as inspiring as George at such a young age. Through the years, your lyrics echoed your philosophy of life. These were not empty words — you demonstrated your commitment to them each day. And how true those words ring each and every day. Sadder than losing someone like George is that not more people in this world live their own lives the way George lived his.

David Lewis Basso
The film was enormously moving and impressive. I didn’t at first realize that, like the A-list friends who knew him personally who were on that stage, I needed to grieve for this man who has impacted my life (as have all the Beatles for multitudes). One would have liked for something like this with John, but that of course was quite different. Here is the youngest Beatle, who retained his lower-class accent more and emerged to, arguably, communicate the reality and veracity of mysticism to more people (in terms of sheer numbers) than any other single person in history! The beguiling quality hidden in his work was revealed, too, of course. Thanks to PBS and its supporters for this beautiful experience!

David Granger
I was never so moved by the music of George Harrison as tonight. CONCERT FOR GEORGE was historic both in its cast and its content. The performances truly evoked the soul of George Harrison. The performance of Harrison’s “Isn’t It a Pity” by Eric Clapton and Billy Preston was — IS — an instant classic. Truly, George Harrison’s music conveys a talent and depth not often seen in today’s musicians.

Thank you GP for last night’s assemblage of unbelievable talent on one stage paying tribute to George. The world has benefited from HIS talent and contributions. HIS spirit lives on through all of us that keep HIS music alive.

Joy Sansone
I was so moved with the wonderful show that Eric Clapton and friends put on for one of the sweetest people in the universe. Thank you for sharing it with us. I’m still singing “I’ll See You in My Dreams.”

Cynthia Taylor
It is early morning 3/8/04, I just finished watching the tribute to George Harrison. It was beyond words. In the end all there is is LOVE, and with this gathering of friends and loved ones, that statement is more evident than ever. Peace be with you, George Harrison.

The Beatles meant a lot to me, if it were not for them I would not have been a musician. Without a doubt they have been the biggest influence on me. John and George, we miss you and will love you forever and ever! God Bless you George and John!

Karen Grubb
You gave something to the world that will live forever. Thank you for expanding the musical horizons of millions of people.

Joanne Hamon Johnson
George was my favorite. I liked him because not only was he very talented, but he was a great songwriter/singer. To me being very quiet was so sexy! I met his sister Louise (Lou) at a Beatlemania tribute when George was very sick. I told her that I loved George out of the Fab Four. She was very kind to me, and said she would tell George. She also said, if George was my favorite, I must be very spiritual. I thought that was probably the closest I will ever become being near George, was meeting his sister.

John V. Forma
George has brought a spiritual richness that was, is, and will be refreshing to anyone interested in the truth and in touching the cosmic force that unites us and brings us fulfillment. Thanks to George for his humility, his talent, his wisdom, his clarity, and his life.

James Rogers
I’m always annoyed at the criticism over George’s solo tour. He played what he wanted and stayed the course. He had little interest in turning into an oldies act. I was there and will never forget the night. Perhaps people now know that George was his own man. I [feel] as if I have lost a good friend.

When I was a young girl I dreamed of you so often. It filled my days and nights with joy. In later years you were still an inspiration to me to forever press on and just be yourself.

Dear George, You are immortal.

Mary Nadine Crichton
Mahatma, you have given us so much beauty, love, and soul. I am honored to have known and loved your music. You are a hero to me. You touched my soul. You made life better. You will always be with us. We love you.

A beautiful person with beautiful music … really enjoyed CONCERT FOR GEORGE DVD.

Kathleen Doherty
I was 14 when the Beatles hit America, especially New York City. I was glued to our TV set when they were on ED SULLIVAN. Although they were all cute, as seen through my eyes then, I was very attracted to George and he was my favorite. I was broken in half when the Beatles split, and even more broken when John was killed. When you live, eat, sleep, breathe, and love the Beatles, as I did, and do, then you feel a tremendous loss. When it was known that George was ill, the rest of my heart broke. Such a tremendous loss when he passed. But, thankfully, for TV, video, and all [the] recordings, we can listen and see him forever. Such a wonderful spirit he was and so gentle a soul, and how blessed we are to have had him. His music touches my soul still and if you truly believe, then he lives with us all the days of our lives. The gentleness of this man will always grace us. I got to see him and his band mates at Shea Stadium in 1965. How lucky I was!! Your music will always be with us, and so shall you. God bless.

Kevin O’Connell
I love George and his music inspired me and continues to inspire the deepest parts of my soul. It is so good to see his son on stage with George’s friends, and it is clear that George’s heart and soul lives on.

Watching CONCERT FOR GEORGE brought back the peace and joy I felt through your music.

Margaret Oliveri
A beautiful spirit who is always with us.

My favorite Beatle, he was the spiritual force of the group. He certainly was able to let other members showed their talents, until he was able to show his own, proving himself to be at their same level. The Quiet One, [I] miss him a lot.

I saw the Harrison tribute concert on PBS and it sent chills up my back. He may have been overshadowed by John and Paul, but after the breakup, he showed his bottled-up great music and talent as a true musician and artist.

Anakoni Ako Anjo
God’s gift to us is life; our gift to God is the goodness we share with others in life. Keoki (George) has shared that goodness on how to live and how to die because all things must pass in the end. Aloha ke akua. Aloha oe, Keoki.

Kirby Elam
What else can I say, but to say that George was a wonderful man, in so many ways. And his music will play on forever. Thank you, George!

Just saw CONCERT FOR GEORGE last night and can’t put in words how moving it was. So many talented, inspiring musicians that I have so admired musically and been so inspired by through the years (and always will be) all giving tribute and respect to a man who was so understated in a phenomenal era and a phenomenal band. Such was the personality of George Harrison. But what moving, introspective, and clear vision along with beautifully orchestrated chords he gave us to get his message across in such examples as “Isn’t It a Pity” and many more. Many thanks to George and to all of you that gave tribute as well as the greats that came and went before.

George, something about your songs went a little deeper into the human spirit. Every time I hear one, I discover that I experience a new emotion too complex to describe in simple English. Thank you for this wonderful gift.

I loved “My Sweet Lord,” and Billy Preston did such a superb job last night.

Don Mitchell
George, you are missed even though you are always here. So many of us love you and so many of us cried and smiled.

David Richeson
In December of 1973 George and others were going to play in Cleveland. Tickets for this great event were only $8.00. The night before the concert a blizzard moved in and the show was canceled. I’ll never forget the excitement leading up to and the great disappointment following the cancellation. George will always be a huge influence in my life.

“My Sweet Lord,” that was a very inspiring song. Made me stop and think about life. Life is short and sweet and sometimes bittersweet. It is one of my favorite songs. Rest George’s soul. Amen.

Zach Jensen
I’m only 12, but I think his music meant a lot to me and my family. One of my favorite songs is “While My Guitar Gently Weeps.”

David Richeson
George was truly a prince among men.

Sarah B.
I have been comforted through the harshest times in my life with George’s wise and beautiful songs. I recently started playing the ukulele, George being my inspiration. I love sitting down with a glass of wine and playing “Something.” George’s kindness, compassion, spirituality, sense of humor, and music will continue to carry me through what days I am blessed to have.

Virginia Lee
George, you made the world a better place. God bless you and your family of friends.

Becky Ann Bledsoe
I have always loved George. [The] first song I learned to play on the guitar was “My Sweet Lord.” I too am quiet unless it is something I have great interest in. Looking at Dhani Harrison was like looking at George. God bless you, George. You have influenced me to play the guitar and other instruments. You are missed and loved by all.

Mark Campbell
George, the almost forgotten Beatle, what great music during and after the Beatles’ breakup. Just listening to his music makes me realize just how talented he truly was, and to remain in the background for all those years. Truly the Quiet Beatle, we all miss him so much!

I loved George, he was always my favorite. I really enjoyed the pbs tribute. What a wonderful job everyone did honoring him! He truly was a talented, loving man and it totally came through in that special. Thank You!

Robert MacNaughton
In 1970 and 1971, George produced the RADHA-KRISHNA TEMPLE album. On that album the Hare Krishna mantra and Govindam prayers caused me to seriously contemplate and take up bhakti-yoga and dedicate my life to self-realization. He has been of immeasurable benefit to millions. I miss him intensely.

Julie Draper Holloway
Thank you one and all for the life I shared with you in that era. In some ways, it will always remain.

Andres Alamillo
I feel so blessed to have been born in the ’50s and lived during George’s career. I really love his music. God bless.

Rashel Jeffrey
The first time I saw the Beatles live was at Shea Stadium. The next year, I had the privilege of interviewing the Beatles in Detroit. George was always my favorite. Though I am a professional psychotherapist, his poster is on the wall by my computer. His music meant so much to me growing up. It was great to see the concert last night and to see Dhani.

Miguel Ramos
Thank you, George, for your music.

Thank you, George.

Nancy Huhmann
I am only “one grain of sand” who truly LOVES George Harrison’s music, guitar playing, humor, and of course, him! My heart goes out to his family and friends. I imagine to have had George H. in their lives was a blessing! And, of course, George Harrison is my favorite Beatle.

Dan Keller
To the one and only. I am a big fan of all the Beatles crew, but what I wanted to say was that my family and I will always remember you in our hearts and souls. Thanks for all the great music, George. You are a true role model for all humans. We love you.

Jay Lewis
I was deeply touched by the love I heard and saw portrayed on the PBS presentation of CONCERT FOR GEORGE. I know the world is a better place for having George Harrison, [his] family, and [his] friends in it.

Dennis Capuano
Learned to play the guitar because of George, loved to play his songs. His album ALL THINGS MUST PASS will always be my favorite. He had so many songs that were not included when he was with the Beatles and he let it all out on his first solo album. I will sorely miss him, but alas, his music lives on within me and all of us.

Cecil Stark
Since I first saw the Beatles in the early ’60s, he was my favorite. It’s a shame that only now after his death he’s seen as a superb musician and person. Great tribute to him with this concert. His son should be proud.

Bill Ripple
George was a musical genius, during a time of much musical genius in a hard-to-define genre. His influence on music, however, goes beyond music into the realm of philosophy and peace.

Ruo-Tze Shih
George added his touch on every Beatles song, on vocals or on guitar; without him it wasn’t the Beatles!

Whitni Jones
George was a wonderful man, and a very talented musician. He will be sorely missed. My husband I and watched the CONCERT FOR GEORGE on our local PBS station, and were hugely amazed and touched by the amount of love that was shown in that one evening. While watching the show, we noticed how his son is the spitting image of George. It made us feel like not only was George there in spirit, but he was also there through his son. What a magical night. George Harrison will be missed by all who knew him, in person and through his music.

I will always remember George Harrison as being so gentle in his music. When I was 16, THE CONCERT FOR BANGLADESH was released in the movies and my friends and I went to see it, and we were so moved by George’s generosity towards others. He will always have a great impact in this world and the world after.

I was so moved by the tribute concert. I, too, “grew up with George,” in a sense. He was a simple man with a clear sense of the universe and his role in it. He will live forever in our hearts and in his music.

Victor I. Gallegos
I grew up in the ’60s and was fortunate to have witnessed the amazing cultural and musical revolution that the Beatles were at the forefront of. George was always my favorite, along with John. George’s spirituality and consciousness were apparent in his music and beyond that, his life. He is very much missed in this troubled world and in my life, but his music and spirit live on.

J. Sevic
George’s absolute love of music and the arts, along with his sensitive lyrical playing and singing, have always inspired me as a musician and a fellow human being. I am still deeply saddened by his loss and am hopeful that future generations will continue to see and feel the extreme creativity and musicality of both his and the Beatles’ music. Rock on, George!

Terry Garey
Ta, George for the music, the love, the joy, the good sense and charity. And ta, Eric and Olivia and everyone who worked on the wonderful concert. It was good, good, good music.

Henry Bradford
Just saw the CONCERT FOR GEORGE last night and was utterly blown away. The level of talent and musicianship on that stage was of the highest caliber possible, but what struck me most was how much I wished it was George himself standing there, singing those amazing songs of his. To us Beatles fanatics, George’s contributions to the band and to music were every bit as vital as the celebrated twin geniuses of the band, Mssrs. Lennon and McCartney. Thank you, George, for a lifetime of music to enjoy and to learn how to play and perform!

Gil Duarte
George: simply the guitar most heard in world; simply author of [the] best melodies.

Vivian Steiner
My favorite Beatle that I fell madly in love with the night you appeared on THE ED SULLIVAN SHOW. We will miss you for now, but I have no doubt I shall see you again in God’s kingdom. Your music lives in my heart forever.

Robin La Rocca
He was the best Beatle of them all. I am a very big Eric Clapton fan, and it still amazes me that they were the best of friends. It was a very touching tribute to him. Eric organized it beautifully.

George Cosmas
We shared a name, and he shared his vision and his peace. What an exceptional soul. As a child listening to the Beatles, I was drawn to his style, and I still get chills listening to his music. If only sharing a name would bestow on me a fraction of his talent. The CONCERT FOR GEORGE was exceptional not only for the talent displayed and the love shared, but for the memories invoked. Seeing his son at center stage was like seeing an incarnation of the man himself. Long live George’s memory!

Laura Terry
Your life influenced most of my life. I wish you had never left us, but we can still share what you were and the love you shared through your music. Thank you very much.

No Name Given
This was one of the greatest shows that I have seen on TV. Thanks so much.

Fay Salkus
Whenever I see a picture of George or hear his music, it reminds me of how lucky I have been to have grown up during such a great time. The music always moves me, and the memories make me smile. I wish to thank his family for sharing him with the rest of us.

Fred and Jodi Camilli
A great man gone too soon.

John Albanese
Thanks a lot, mate. So much!

Rita Wickliffe
Just watched last night; you were definitely there, George, in your everlasting spirit and also in your son.

Steve Indich
The Dark Horse will always shine in my mind and heart. A man who transcended both thought and kindness, remember the Concert for Bangladesh? May the gods treat him kindly.

Ellen Costa
CONCERT FOR GEORGE was the best show I have ever seen in my life. He is smiling down from Heaven on his friends and his son.

Scarlet Brubaker-Longfeather
George’s music truly touches the spirit. I’ll miss him always, but at least we still have his inspiration through song. Thanks, George!

John McKenna
You gave me the impulse to learn how to play the guitar in 1964. By ABBEY ROAD and LET IT BE, I had mastered it, learning to play by ear. Some 40 years later, I still play your songs and know all the lyrics by heart, thanks George.

Sandi Aker
Thank you for beautiful music. I am so thankful to have been able to experience the music while growing up with him.

Julio Luzquinos
The first thing I’d like to say is that I owe and thank George Harrison for the magic moments his music has and still makes me experience, all throughout my youth and now in my adult years. This wonderful man turned out to be a dreamer and a hopeful soul for us all.

I loved this man. When I was a young girl and the Beatles first became popular here (U.S.), George was my favorite Beatle. I loved his seemingly reserved demeanor, and his musicianship. I agreed wholeheartedly tonight when Ravi Shankar spoke of George being present at this wonderful, emotional tribute. Of course he was there, enjoying every note. It was also great to see Ringo and Paul join Eric and Tom, and all the others. Thank you for this evening for George.

Dave Jewell
How wonderfully you blessed us and opened our minds, hearts, and souls with your music of love, hope, and truth of another way, a better way, for all who would listen. Your music will live long after our generation is gone.

George was a great man, my favorite of the four.

I saw his face and fell in love with the big brown eyes when I was six in Iran. Mom had brought home a tin tray with the Fab Four’s images with their autographs! CONCERT FOR GEORGE — a beautiful tribute! Thank you for your music and wisdom, George. Shine on the truth!

I am so amazed and grateful for George’s music. He always held a special place in my heart. I thought I was seeing things when I saw Dhani on stage, so much like his father.

Walt Hileman
Turned my life from just a boy to an individual of the world. These music ministers had a great but simple message — LOVE [that] enriched my life to no end. Farewell, George.

David Neffew
George was a huge influence on my life as a musician. He always seemed to be a bit independent from the others, yet always seemed to be having so much fun.

Patrick Grogan & Trish English
Really liked who he was!

Joseph A. Graci
He was a true musical genius.

Ben Gottlieb
I just want to say that George was the biggest influence on me. I know he probably got this a lot, but he is my hero. He inspired me to start playing guitar and has always been one of my top five favorite guitarists. The Beatles and George will always been in my CD player. George, I’ll miss you.

Jim Healey
After watching and listening to the remembering George special, I realize the talent that will be missed, but I will always enjoy the sounds he created.

Richard Graves
From an everlasting fan of yours George, I toast to your legacy and your spirit.

Don Sutton
I had the privilege of seeing and listening to George, John, Paul, and Ringo at the old Kansas City Stadium in Kansas City, Missouri, in the mid-1960s. I will forever be grateful to all four of these men for singing me thru life! Thank you, all.

John Owen
I’ll never be the same since I first heard “While My Guitar Gently Weeps.” Thank you, George.

Sharon Lyons
George Harrison is greatly missed.

Tim Baxter
He will always be a part of my life.

Sheila Walthall
Dear George, Thank you for changing my life with your words and music. You taught many people how to be loving and compassionate and spiritual. May you be in the Pure Land and still teaching. You touched my heart and soul. Thank you. Peace always.

Pat McCoy
Seeing the CONCERT FOR GEORGE brought back a lot of memories! I’ve been a fan for 40 years, and I still miss My Sweet George!

Jeanene Petrone
What a rare treasure George was. My generation remains forever changed after listening to his beautiful music. The world seems somehow paler at his leaving us.

Lillian & Hugh Driver
We do remember you. Thanks for your music and you. God be with you, Dhani and Olivia, and thanks for sharing your sweet George.

Ronnie Joy
Thanks, George. We remember you when we dance our journey.

Steve Gates
I was eight years old and lived just outside London, England, when the Beatles had their first #1 hit, I have never been the same since!

Michael Rich
George, I am a fan of your music and I loved the calm and modest way you went about your life despite the fame and craziness of the Beatle years and beyond.

Linda Martin
The CONCERT FOR GEORGE was truly a tribute to him and his music.

Don Smith
George, thank you.

Patricia A. Trevino, O.P.
George Harrison was my favorite among the Beatles. I was drawn to him by his humility, his quietness, and his very spiritual songs. He knew where the truth was to be found, in God. Like he is quoted, “Once you know the truth, life is so simple.” I am sure he encountered God and is now with Him forever and also with us.

Lindsey Martin-Bowen, JD
Even if life goes on “within you and without you,” you are missed.

Terryl Greene
Thank you, George, for all the beautiful things you did for all the people of our world. Your actions have enlightened the minds of so many. Your music has warmed our hearts, while that slide guitar made us weep with joy!

Zach Duys
George helped me appreciate all types of music including the classics. For this music will always make me feel young. George will live forever.

What can I say, he was my favorite Beatle, not just because of his great music, but because of his depth and spirituality. Thank you to those who made the concert possible. The ending was truly magical.

Tears down my cheek as if I’ve lost a member of my own family … very sad, until I think again and realize I really have. Thank you, George. You are one Dark Horse we will always remember.

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Genovese
One of the finest musicians I’ve ever had the pleasure to experience. We’ve grown up with George and his life was an inspiration to us. Peace.

Don Freda
My favorite memory of George (that comes to mind at this moment anyway) is a picture of him in San Francisco back in the ’70s, with his Lolita glasses. He wrote wonderfully, played wonderfully, sung wonderfully — the secret weapon of the Beatles and a guru par excellence.

Darrell Keith
George was my favorite Beatle from the beginning. His work was so meaningful and enjoyable, like his personality. The CONCERT FOR GEORGE was a pleasant emotional memory. Seeing Dhani playing in it was almost like seeing George again. Good-bye, dear George.

C. Malouf
His beautiful melodies and wonderful lyrics and gentle guitar playing is ingrained in my mind and soul forever.

Richard Nekus
George, can’t really say enough, but from around nine years old, I’ve listened to them, and you, and “All Things Must Pass,” and know every song after that. What tribute could I possibly give a mentoring soul [such] as yourself, a voice in the darkness and light, that helped me grow through my own troubled plights. My tribute is only my memory, and I thank you so much for being a part of it.

George was always my mother’s favorite Beatle, and she passed that along to me (I am a senior in high school.). I’ve always thought that he was quite witty and very sincere and have enjoyed both his Beatles and solo songs. However, his songs now have a very deep resonance for me. Last year, my boyfriend died in a car accident. We used to both like the songs “All Things Must Pass” and “Here Comes the Sun.” In the weeks after his death the two songs were one of the few things that helped bring a sense of comfort. And I know those two songs of George’s will always have special meaning to me forever. So, thank you, George, for being the person who you were and writing such lovely songs.

Patsy Williams
I watched the tribute to George tonight. It was very moving to see George’s son standing next to Paul on stage and Ringo on the drums. It brought back memories of how much George is missed, but what wonderful music he left us to remember him [by]. We love you, George.

E. Bruce Wojtasek
My favorite Beatle; as a musician, brilliant. Only through time and due diligence will more of us realize the true musical genius behind the complex man.

Joe Stachelski
Thanks for the program! It was fantastic to see all of those fabled musicians on one stage.

Ferryn Maxwell
Like George said, “sunshine doesn’t last all morning.” He, too, had to pass.

Dobrila Stancevic
George, you have been such an important presence in my life from the first time I saw you on TV. I have been a devoted fan ever since. Your songs and lyrics are so poignant, like you know how we feel. You lived your life with dignity and never disappointed. The tribute your beloved family and friends produced was a gift. Thank you for sharing your life with us. You will never be forgotten.

Melissa Cline Munsterman
Thank you, George, for all the wonderful nights and memories of my youth.

My friend Darlene truly turned me on to the Beatles, even though my sis was way into them before. They all loved John and Paul. I liked him [George]. He opened my eyes, my heart, my spirit.

Dwight James
I sincerely feel he was a very nice, gentle man of peace, [an] underrated musician, and I consider [him] the most talented artist of the Fab Four. Lyrically and musically he was a near-genius. Very sad he is gone. I will always remember and cherish his music and love him dearly. God bless and may peace prosper on this earth.

Neil McGlothin
Such a wonderful writer, singer, musician, and person. Such a loss. He is so missed. Thank you for the broadcast!

Vicki McCarl
George was my favorite Beatle since the 1960s. He will live on in his music. I will remember George with a smile.

Bill Payne
What a wonderful human being George was! He had a wonderful gift for music and an undying hunger for fun and life. His quotes at the time when I was growing up never sank home until later in my life, many of them break life down in simplistic fashion. They always seemed to me to be very close to the window of our souls, and his music always reflected that. I truly miss him; although we never met, I feel close to him through his music! Play on Mr. Harrison!

Joe Garrett
Being a fan of the Beatles since that first appearance on THE ED SULLIVAN SHOW in 1964 and seeing one of the last live performances of the Beatles in August of 1966 at Crosley Field in Cincinnati, [I believe] George Harrison was one of the most underrated musicians and performers of the last 40 years. His contributions musically and in humanitarian ventures have been astounding, let alone the advancements in recording techniques that revolutionized the industry. Thank you for your contributions and many great memories.

Judith Furedi
A simply beautiful tribute to a simply beautiful human being. You will be missed, and you will remain forever in our hearts, together with John.

Victoria Tierney
I will be who I am. If I’m not certain of who I am, I will affirm the right to that exciting discovery. That is what George teaches.

Jeffrey Schultz
I truly loved everything George did and stood for. He was a beacon of hope and love in a troubled world. He was the epitome of love and integrity. One of my favorite of his many solo albums was the classic LIVING IN THE MATERIAL WORLD with the hauntingly beautiful, “Day the World Gets ‘Round,” with a message which is critically needed in our troubled world. He also is memorable for his embrace of the philosophies of the East and his friendship with the great Ravi Shankar of India. George’s spirituality and love for his fellow man is going to resonate throughout history, and his music, both as a member of the legendary band the Beatles and his solo efforts, will live for eternity.

Pete Raine
I wouldn’t be the guitarist/music appreciator I am today without having listened to and admired George. As awe-inspiring and understated a man as he was a musician. Thank you, George Harrison, for all you gave to all of us.

De Edel
At 14, I sensed even then, the depth and mystery of this one. Yes, the others, Paul and John, were “cute,” and Ringo, in his simplicity and rhythm, stole my heart, but it was George that intrigued me, fascinated me, and I wanted to know more [about him]. I watched them all grow from one album to the next and change styles just as often, experiment, illuminate, and fall as well, but always kept an eye on George. Shanti.

Randy Becker
George Harrison’s music has always been a big part of my life. [I] still remember watching THE ED SULLIVAN SHOW in 1964 when the Beatles made their first public appearance in the USA. I was 11 years old then, but the music and the memories live on indefinitely. Thank you, George and to all of the Beatles. Thanks for all the great music and memories.

Santosh Risal
A beautiful thing remains as a beauty forever — so do you.

Michael D. Valletto
I’m 45 years old now and think back when George and the Beatles came to America. George, your music will never age! Thanks.

Dr. Steven Lazar
I happen to have been born on Feb. 25, as was George. My life’s been deeply affected by music and spirituality, much like George’s. I thank George for his gentle strength, his humor, his humility, and his deep love of life and his fellow living beings. Namaste.

George lives not only in his music, but in the smile and being of his son, Dhani. What a tribute! Thank you, George. Peace, dear, quiet soul.

Margaret Vazquez
George was to me not only a talented man, but also one who I believe achieved spiritual enlightenment. He will always be my favorite Beatle. His son looks so much like him. It was wonderful to see him on stage with Eric Clapton, who lost his son, and the rest of George’s friends. I’m sure George was there in spirit, along with John. George will be missed.

Russell Fries
If only it were possible to let him know how much his music added to my life, and what he brought to us all. He will live on through both his friends and his music.

Ray Hathaway
Sad, happy, and wonderful moments throughout — a beautiful tribute. Gone, never to be forgotten. I’m glad I had the opportunity to grow and live with George and “the gang.” RIP, George.

Anne Grant Pellegrino
I first saw George when I was a 12-year-old girl. I was so crazy about him that I wrote him a fan letter. Unfortunately, I told my brother George about it, and he had his friend call me and use an English accent pretending to be George. I fell for it, hook, line, and sinker. At least for a short while, I felt I had spoken to George. I know that the sweet man, Mr. George Harrison, is with the angels now and they are making beautiful music.

Raymond Vargas
Thanks for sharing all your music with us.

George found the good in everybody and everything. He also spoke out about the ills of the world and about his distaste for the power of individuals and countries. What a better and more peaceful world we would live in if we could be like him.

Lorie Gibson
We miss you dearly and the world is not the same without you.

Thomas Reilly
All my life I’ve been a Beatles fan, and this show was a moving tribute to George Harrison and his music by his family and friends for the fans who wanted to be family or friends. It was absolutely stunning. Thanks to pbs for showing it and to all the participants for making it.

Robert C. Mathews
No music consistently sends me to a spiritual place as much as George Harrison’s. It is our sad loss that he left us so soon. But he will always be remembered for his matchless musical contribution to our lives.

Judy A. Clark
George’s songs inspired me so deeply in 1968 that I started writing poetry, and now at 54, that is how I deal with stress.

Robert Steffen
George has brought me great joy and peace of mind. I miss him.

Louis Toro
He was a great man of music. I will miss him very much.

Loved the music he made.

George Harrison’s music and life has been inspirational. He was an amazing man. He is very missed.

Richard Baker
We all weep for you.

Debbie Steinberg
George, you gave so much to the world. Thank you. We love you. We will never forget you.

Mark A. Rittner
Just thank you, George.

Ann Jackson
His spirit lives on through his music, which is a gift for us all.

[I] miss George dearly. Sure could use talent like his in the world we live in.

Joe Florio
To be inspired by the likes of Lennon and McCartney, Harrison was like the icing on the cake. It is good to be alive and well and closer to God; thanks, George (and John, Paul, and Ringo).

George’s music has touched my life enormously and he means so much to me. George, I love you and I miss you! Olivia and Dhani, thank you so much for all you’ve done for George’s fans! We really appreciate everything!

George, you are so awesome. I am so mad I wasn’t alive to ever see you in concert!

David Zamora
Musically, his guitar, whether solos or background rhythms, was the fifth “Beatle voice” in nearly all their songs. His notes were the equivalent to Lennon and McCartney’s lyrics and gave a distinctive and identifying character to each song that is seldom heard on today’s new material. This quality of his IS STILL NOT appreciated, making him very underrated.

John Thul
My son looks like George. He is 20. When the boys [Beatles] started in the U.S., I was 12 yrs. old. They all have a place in my heart and George and John are at the top of the list, as people and entertainers.

Olivia Gable
The Beatles are sort of a part of everyone’s life. Sometimes it takes 10 years to realize how great something really is, but then you appreciate it all the more when you do realize. When I began to really get into the Beatles, I couldn’t help but be drawn to George. He seemed the most like me, and often it seemed that we had thought alike. His music stirred in me something that none of the other Beatles’ did, not to put them down at all. For someone under the age of 20, it can be hard to connect to the characters and legends of the past, but George was different. He is timeless. He wanted more out of life and was very spiritual, always seeking the truth and seemingly finding it. From what little I know of him from biographies and such, he was an amazing man. I think he “got it right.” I hope that he got what he wanted from life, and that wherever he is now, he is happy. I was saddened when I realized that I had not really appreciated George until he was gone, but I am somewhat honored to have shared the same planet with him, if only for 16 years.

Esmeralda Galvao
George has always been with me. His songs have helped me in the bad moments and have highlighted the good ones. His spiritual beliefs have been a source of strength and hope. There’s no way we’ll ever be able to thank him, but I’m sure he’s aware of it all.

Martin Moy
Your still waters ran very deep. You were true to yourself and to your music. You helped me live my life. The truth is within, God bless.

Joe Gallian
Rather than being called the “The Quiet Beatle,” George should be remembered as “The Thoughtful Beatle.” His honesty, spirituality, and music were inspiring to millions.

Harold Wilcox
George was a super composer, and of all his songs, the one that haunts me and will continue to do so forever is “Something”!

Michelle Larson Mundell
I think that George was a beautiful human being. He also was probably the most intellectual of the Fab Four. John said a lot that was intelligent, but sometimes people who don’t say a lot really know a lot more than they let on. His musicianship was brilliant. I listen to “Something,” “While My Guitar Gently Weeps,” “Here Comes the Sun,” and “My Sweet Lord,” and it is amazing, the guitar playing. However, my favorite George song from Beatles times is “Don’t Bother Me.” I think that is a really good song, though I believe he once said it was a “throwaway” song. When it was announced that George was dying, I suddenly felt very old at the age of 38. His time here, providing us the great gift of his talent and humanity, makes the time fans have left to appreciate Paul and Ringo even more precious. God bless George.

John was considered the leader in the Beatles, but George was the spiritual leader and his devotion to God is a lasting inspiration to the world.

Edward M. Muñoz
He found the truth, and the truth set him free! His was no ordinary life, yet he lived as a citizen of the world and accepted what life offered, good or bad. His love of this life carried him through to the next. We shall long remember and miss him. Thank you, George.

Ramon Guadarrama
As we say in Spanish, Maestro de Maestros (master’s master). God bless him!

Robert Grimes
George has been one of the most influential people in my life! His spiritual nature was God sent, and what a blessing this concert is!

Pete M. Perez
Thank you, George, for all the songs that live with me forever. I hope your spirit is still seeking, learning, and understanding. Peace.

George has always intrigued me, because I always knew there was a lot of potential in him that wasn’t seen all the time. I can safely say now, 40 years later, that he was a brilliant musician and a true Beatle. Thank you, George Harrison! You will never be forgotten.

Rick Sepulvado
He may have been the silent Beatle in persona, but not in actions. His humanity still lights the world.

Emily Horonowitsch
George Harrison was, to me, one of the greatest singers/composers there ever was. He wrote many wonderful songs such as “While My Guitar Gently Weeps,” “Something,” “Piggies,” and many more great songs. I thank you George, for without you, I would have never known what great music is.

Juan Quevedo
The quieter you are, the louder they hear you in their hearts.

Judy Hoover
A gentle, quiet soul who lifted the spirits of others just by his presence, even from afar. Mindful of the holiness of life even until his passing.

Angela Madden
George is an inspiration to me. He was such a beautiful soul. I feel lucky that I have been able to hear his music. I love you George! Hare Krishna!

Michael Weil
From the first — Feb. 9, 1964 on THE ED SULLIVAN SHOW — George Harrison stood out for me. At the risk of sounding like a 1960s teenybopper rather than the middle-aged man I am, George was always my “favorite Beatle.” Having just received the DARK HORSE boxed set of CDs, along with the CONCERT FOR GEORGE DVD and CD a couple of months ago, it’s bittersweet that he’s getting so much recognition now. I miss him as much as one can someone who has only been known from a great distance, but was brought closer through his music and persona.

Mark Dillman
I drove 350 miles to see George Harrison in concert in 1974 during his one and only North American concert tour. This was the only time I ever saw him in person. I am so glad I made the effort.

Britt Krebs
I am a product of the ’50s and ’60s, and George’s music (and the Beatles’) has been the soundtrack of my life. As it turns out, however, what’s more significant is the impact on my life of the example set by George in living his life. He was a remarkable human being, and his spirit lives on in all of us.



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