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A 90-minute VHS videotape produced in 2002 features ten bioethics segments that have appeared on RELIGION & ETHICS NEWSWEEKLY.
The videotape and an accompanying 24-page full-color discussion guide explore the ethics of genetic science, the intensity of recent national debate about cloning and stem cell research, and the questions biotechnology poses about what makes us human. What is the role of religion and ethics in grappling with the choices presented by new genetic knowledge? Have the response of theologians, ethicists, religious leaders, and faith traditions kept up with the accomplishments of science and technology?
The guide also features a special interview with Dr. Francis S. Collins, director of the National Human Genome Research Institute.
To order copies of BIOETHICS AND THE BOOK OF LIFE, please call 1-800-228-4630 or visit the GPN Educational Media Web site at
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This 120-minute color videotape provides an introduction to Islamic beliefs and practices and reports on timely contemporary issues. The 15 segments from RELIGION & ETHICS NEWSWEEKLY feature interviews, field reports and stories that cover a wide range of subjects, including Sufism, madrasahs, Islamic finances, the hajj, Muslim prayer, reactions to war with Iraq, the role of Muslim voters in American politics, the lives of American Muslim women, and the challenges of religious diversity in communities from suburban Atlanta to Lewiston, Maine. Among the scholars, experts and religious leaders who are featured: Seyyed Hossein Nasr, John Esposito, Akbar Ahmed, Roy Mottahedeh, Azizah Al-Hibri, Salam al-Marayati, and W.D. Muhammed. Each story can serve as a springboard for thoughtful discussion and a rich resource for exploring aspects of this major religious tradition. To order please contact Films for the Humanities at 1-800-257-5126 or
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Since the 1965 Immigration Act, the United States has emerged as the world’s most religiously diverse country. The RELIGION & ETHICS NEWSWEEKLY stories and interviews featured on this 60-minute color videotape offer an opportunity for dialogue about encountering and appreciating world religions. Segments spotlight communities of Buddhists, Hindus, Muslims, Hasidic Jews, and new immigrant religions in Los Angeles. In a special interview, Harvard professor Diana Eck, director of The Pluralism Project and author of A NEW RELIGIOUS AMERICA, discusses what this increased diversity means. To order please contact Films for the Humanities at 1-800-257-5126 or
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The 10 RELIGION & ETHICS NEWSWEEKLY segments on this 90-minute color videotape, most of which were produced in the aftermath of Sept. 11, bring together scholars and religious leaders from a variety of communities and faiths to discuss a range of issues: war and peace, terrorism and its roots, fundamentalism, just war, holy war, intervention, pacifism, military chaplains, the use of force, the costs of war, and violence in the name of God. Many of the pieces focus on the ethics and morality of war with Iraq. Among the experts featured are the Rev. J. Bryan Hehir, William Galston, George Weigel, Stanley Hauerwas, Jean Bethke Elshtain, Chris Hedges, James Turner Johnson, Louay Safi, Khaled Abou El Fadl, Salam Al-Maryati, Al Pierce, and the Rt. Rev. George Packard. Also included are reports on Hindu-Muslim conflict in India and truth and reconciliation in Sierra Leone. Together the segments serve as an introduction to the ethics of war and peace and a starting point for discussion about religion, war and international conflict. To order please contact Films for the Humanities at 1-800-257-5126 or
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How religious are we, and how are we religious? This 90-minute VHS videotape, a series of five segments that aired on RELIGION & ETHICS NEWSWEEKLY in the spring of 2002, is based on a major national survey of religious tolerance, beliefs and practices in the United States today. The videotape presents survey data as well as stories on religious diversity, Protestantism, Catholicism, and spirituality in America that were produced across the country — from Georgia to Chicago to the Pacific Northwest. Muslims and their neighbors in suburban Atlanta face the challenge of religious tolerance; mainline Protestants in Virginia, evangelical Protestants in Georgia, and African-American Protestants in Indianapolis address the variety and changing influence of Protestant ideas and ideals; Irish-American and Hispanic Catholics in Chicago speak about the meaning of their faith; and spiritual seekers in the East and the West, both apart from and within organized religion, highlight the importance of spiritual experience in America. A panel of experts offers analysis and commentary on the survey results and the series.
This title is not currently available.