Topic: Ethics

  • “The rich nations of the north, like us, have the capability and therefore the responsibility, to admit a larger number of asylum seekers and even more, I would say, to assist these poorer countries who are already hosting most of the world’s refugees. The funds being provided by this burden-sharing by us in the north need to be substantially increased,” says Rev. David Hollenbach, SJ, director of the Center for Human Rights and International Justice at Boston College. More

    May 20, 2016

  • Evangelicals have long been a key constituency for the Republican Party, but this year they are deeply divided over whether to support presumptive nominee Donald Trump. Host Bob Abernethy and managing editor Kim Lawton discuss the GOP’s dilemma over evangelical voters and the search for unity in a sharply divided party. More

    May 13, 2016

  • Does the federal government control so much Western land that it even violates some religious beliefs? Says historian Will Bagley: “I’ve found distinct similarities between what sagebrush rebels believe and what frontier Mormons believe. Both parties believe states’ rights are second only to scripture. The government persecutes them because they’re righteous, and they’re the only true patriots. They love the Constitution, but they hate the government.” More

    May 13, 2016

  • “People need to talk about this issue,” says Diane Rehm, author of On My Own. “Doctors need to be taught about this issue. The whole idea of doctors being taught about helping to keep people alive but not being taught how to listen to those who are ready to die—that seems to me sad and misguided.” More

    April 22, 2016

  • “One of our great strengths is to make visible in appropriate ways the migrant men, women, and children we serve,” says Rev. Sean Carroll, SJ, executive director of the Kino Border Initiative, a Catholic ministry in Mexico and the US. “The more visible they become, even to our political leaders, I think that will change their minds and hearts and help them find the political will to pass immigration reform that’s just and humane.” More

    April 15, 2016

  • “People want to be their own theologians. People don’t just want to receive truth from an institution. They want to participate with a tradition and make a truth that is meaningful for their own lives.”

    April 15, 2016

  • “The thing that’s dying is a kind of old allegiance to particular institutions or institutional manifestations of the divine. There’s just not much interest in that. The thing that seems to be coming alive is this awareness of God, a … More

    April 15, 2016

  • “There’s no abstract family. There’s no ideal family,” says Father Tom Reese, SJ, senior analyst at National Catholic Reporter. The pope, he adds, “is tired of the church being judgmental and laying down rules. Instead, he wants us to walk with these couples with compassion. Treat them as Jesus would treat them.” More

    April 8, 2016

  • “I look at crime or violence as a violation of relationships. Some people are harmed, some people do that harm. So the role of restorative justice is to repair, as best we can, those relationships” says Father Dave Kelly. He directs the Precious Blood Ministry of Reconciliation on Chicago’s South Side, a center that offers support to survivors of gun violence. More

    April 7, 2016

  • “We Little Sisters of the Poor are a group of women who made religious vows to God. Now we find ourselves in a situation where the government is requiring us to make changes in our religious health care plan to include services that really violate our deepest held religious beliefs as Little Sisters,” says Sister Loraine Marie Maguire, Mother Provincial of the Little Sisters of the Poor. But Gretchen Borchelt, vice president for reproductive rights and health at the National Women’s Law Center, says, “Women deserve insurance coverage for birth control  no matter  where they work.” More

    March 25, 2016

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