Islamic Finances
February 8, 2002
Islamic Finances
Some devout Muslims believe the Koran forbids them from paying any interest. So when preparing to make a large purchase such as a house, they seek out not a lender, but a partner. Although not common, some financial institutions exist that allow customers to finance purchases in a way compliant with ...
February 8, 2002

Justice Scalia on the Death Penalty
February 1, 2002
Justice Scalia on the Death Penalty
U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia is generating controversy on another issue. Scalia criticized the Roman Catholic Church's stand against the death penalty. At a forum on religion and the death penalty, Scalia said he does not agree with the Church's position on capital punishment.
February 1, 2002

The Legacy of Howard Thurman: Mystic and Theologian
January 18, 2002
The Legacy of Howard Thurman: Mystic and Theologian
Howard Thurman had a profound spiritual impact on civil rights leaders like Martin Luther King, Jr. Yet for much of the last half century, Thurman's contributions have often been overlooked. Now, more than 20 years after his death in 1981, Howard Thurman is finding a new audience.
January 18, 2002

Drug Testing on Children
January 18, 2002
Drug Testing on Children
"There are a lot of medicines out there that have never been tested on children so it leaves the doctors high and dry in a legal quagmire, using them without FDA approval because they have evidence above 12, above 18, but not for younger children," says pediatrician and researcher Dr. Richard ...
January 18, 2002

Right Not to Be Born
January 18, 2002
Right Not to Be Born
In France, the government has stepped into a furor over whether there is or should be a right not to be born. The highest court implied there should be, but the National Assembly said no. The issue came to a head when the court awarded money on behalf of a handicapped child, saying that he could ...
January 18, 2002

AIDS and the African American Church
January 11, 2002
AIDS and the African American Church
Should a pastor offer people any counseling on sex other than to maintain abstinence outside of marriage? Does saying anything about safe sex seem to condone behavior the Bible forbids? It's a real issue in the deep South, especially in black churches, and especially regarding women.
January 11, 2002

Nativity Scene Tradition
December 21, 2001
Nativity Scene Tradition
All over the world and in almost every culture, the tradition of displaying scenes from the birth of Jesus has become a cherished part of the holiday season. There is even a group dedicated to keeping this Christmas tradition alive.
December 21, 2001

December 7, 2001
Hanukkah is a holiday of freedom, recalling the successful Jewish revolt against the Syrians who had conquered and occupied Jerusalem. We heard the story at the home of Rabbi Bentzion Geisinsky, in Potomac, Maryland.
December 7, 2001

November 9, 2001
This week, Hindus are celebrating the festival of Diwali, which means "row of light." Menaka Kannan, who participated in a colorful celebration of Diwali in Landover, Maryland, describes the origins and customs of the Diwali holiday.
November 9, 2001

Religion and the Brain
November 9, 2001
Religion and the Brain
When a person has a religious experience, what happens within the brain? What kind of changes take place? In one experiment, brain scans examine the parts of the brain that are activated during prayer. In another, mystical and religious experiences are simulated by using bursts of electrical ...
November 9, 2001

Afghanistan’s Refugees
October 26, 2001
Afghanistan’s Refugees
There have been many estimates around the world about the desperation of people in Afghanistan.
The country has suffered years of war and years of drought, and many advocate that this is the poorest country in the world. Before the current situation, Afghans were in tragic circumstances. Now, some of the people are starving and many are relocating to other areas in search of a better life.
October 26, 2001

New York State of Mind
October 19, 2001
New York State of Mind
More than five weeks later, America remains deeply shaken by the events of September 11th, no more so than in New York. Correspondent Betty Rollin spoke with four religious New Yorkers of different faiths to see how they were affected.
October 19, 2001

Civil Liberties
October 12, 2001
Civil Liberties
As Congress worked on the antiterrorism bill, proponents argued that the FBI and police need new tools to keep up with modern technology, while others expressed concern about violating privacy and other rights. Lucky Severson reports on the new search for the right balance between national security ...
October 12, 2001

Military Chaplains
October 5, 2001
Military Chaplains
As of early October 2005, 30,000 U.S. troops had been deployed to the Middle East and Central Asia, and among them were some of the country’s 2,800 military chaplains. How do chaplains help prepare U.S. forces for whatever lies ahead? In particular, how are they counseling American military ...
October 5, 2001

Prayer Service for Aid Workers in Afghanistan
October 5, 2001
Prayer Service for Aid Workers in Afghanistan
Two American aid workers in Afghanistan, 29-year-old Dayna Curry and 24-year-old Heather Mercer, were arrested by security officials and accused of preaching Christianity, which is strictly forbidden by the Taliban.
October 5, 2001

Moral Implications of U.S. Anti-Terrorism Policies
October 5, 2001
Moral Implications of U.S. Anti-Terrorism Policies
As the U.S. builds coalitions and deploys troops in response to last month’s attacks, an old moral question has resurfaced: In order to fight a great evil, how much evil do you have to condone? R & E discusses the implications with Nina Shea of the Center for Religious Freedom at Freedom ...
October 5, 2001

October 5, 2001
During the weeklong Jewish holiday of Sukkot, many Jews build lean-tos, open to the elements, called “sukkahs,” to recall the way their ancestors lived for 40 years in the desert after their escape from slavery in Egypt.
October 5, 2001

Religious Response to Tragedy Aftermath
September 21, 2001
Religious Response to Tragedy Aftermath
In the week following the tragic events of September 11th, the nation searched for an explanation, a solution, and comfort. Managing editor Kim Lawton surveys the many religious responses to the terrorist attacks.
September 21, 2001

High Holidays: Prayer with Cantor Abraham Lubin
September 21, 2001
High Holidays: Prayer with Cantor Abraham Lubin
"Rather than to try to change God, prayer should change us, should make us better human beings. That is the ultimate purpose of prayer," says Cantor Abraham Lubin of Congregation Beth El in Bethesda, Maryland. We spoke with him as he prepared for the high holidays.
September 21, 2001

Religious Response to America’s Tragedy
September 14, 2001
Religious Response to America’s Tragedy
In the wake of the horrific terrorist attacks on September 11, we discuss questions about justice, forgiveness, and retribution with four religious leaders and scholars.
September 14, 2001