Religious Reaction to Terrorism
September 14, 2001
Religious Reaction to Terrorism
For many religious believers, the attacks on September 11 evoked a sense of almost apocalyptic horror. As the hours unfolded, people of faith across the country reached out in whatever way they could.
September 14, 2001

Palliative and Hospice Care for Dying Children
September 7, 2001
Palliative and Hospice Care for Dying Children
A new report from the Institute of Medicine, which advises the government on health policy, calls on the U.S. to do far more than is now being done to relieve the suffering of dying children and their families. Doctors and families face a dilemma in trying to choose between painful treatment that is ...
September 7, 2001

Ethics of Genetic Testing
August 31, 2001
Ethics of Genetic Testing
As a result of the Human Genome Project, we now know much more about a person's medical future than ever before. But this new knowledge has given rise to many medical, legal, and ethical questions
August 31, 2001

Paryushana Parva
August 24, 2001
Paryushana Parva
Paryushana Parva is a festival of fasting, friendship, and forgiveness. Members of the Jain faith are celebrating the holiest time of the year. It coincides with monsoon season in India, which is where Jainism began.
August 24, 2001

Holocaust Survivors: The Search for Faith
August 3, 2001
Holocaust Survivors: The Search for Faith
One of the consequences of the Holocaust was its effect on the faith of observant Jews. How could a just God have permitted such a tragedy? Today, the personal story, in his words, of Menachem Daum, a New York television producer whose parents were both Holocaust survivors.
August 3, 2001

God’s Army: Mormon Missionaries
August 3, 2001
God’s Army: Mormon Missionaries
Missionary work is something of a rite of passage in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Over the course of 18 months to two years, young men and women will work 16 hours a day, six days a week. On average, each one will convert ten persons during that period. But with 60,000 ...
August 3, 2001

Legal Ethics
July 27, 2001
Legal Ethics
When may a lawyer reveal what a client tells him in confidence? The American Bar Association recently made the rule less restrictive. It permits, but does not require, lawyers to disclose confidences to prevent "reasonably certain death or substantial bodily harm." Attorneys who obey the confidentiality rule sometimes do so at the expense of innocent people.
July 27, 2001

Religious Views on Stem Cell Research
July 27, 2001
Religious Views on Stem Cell Research
For many, the fundamental issue behind stem cell research is the moral status of tiny, one-week-old human embryos. Scientists think these cells can help them find cures for many severe illnesses, but harvesting those cells kills the embryos. Ethicists say the right and wrong of destroying even unwanted embryos in order to do promising medical research depends on what you think those embryos are.
July 27, 2001

Tensions in American Buddhism
July 6, 2001
Tensions in American Buddhism
MARY ALICE WILLIAMS: Buddhism is the world’s fourth largest religion, founded about 2500 years ago in India. The Buddha taught that life is suffering and the way to overcome that is to get rid of attachments. Widely practiced across Asia, … More
July 6, 2001

Artist Deborah Rosenthal
June 29, 2001
Artist Deborah Rosenthal
Deborah Rosenthal is a respected artist who is also an observant Jew. As a result, her work is often infused with her religious beliefs. Recently, she was asked by the conservative Jewish congregation to which she belongs to create two stained glass windows for its sanctuary. For the commission, she ...
June 29, 2001

Simchat Bat
June 22, 2001
Simchat Bat
While a Bris, or circumcision ritual, has been the traditional way for Jews to welcome baby boys into the covenant, many families are now creating rituals to welcome their baby daughters.
June 22, 2001

Priests With Wives
June 22, 2001
Priests With Wives
To average Catholics, it may be hard to imagine their priest with a wife and children. But, to a limited extent, it is already happening.
June 22, 2001

Wiccans: Out of the Broom Closet
June 15, 2001
Wiccans: Out of the Broom Closet
Wicca, as modern witchcraft is often called, and its symbol of the pentacle are becoming more visible in today's society. It is a polytheistic, earth-based religion that emphasizes feminism and the environment and encourages diversity of beliefs. It has no theological system or creed, no central ...
June 15, 2001

Sex Selection in India
June 1, 2001
Sex Selection in India
In India, sex selection by sonogram is officially illegal, but widely practiced. And there is no Hindu or legal prohibition on abortion.
June 1, 2001

Quaker Crossroads
May 25, 2001
Quaker Crossroads
In the past century, Quakers have helped start nearly 200 social service, environmental, and relief agencies such as the American Friends Service Committee. Additionally, they are the only religious organization to win the Nobel Peace Prize. In spite of its many achievements, almost 350 years after ...
May 25, 2001

Klezmer Music
May 18, 2001
Klezmer Music
These young musicians have picked up where their grandparents left off, reviving and revitalizing the old tradition of klezmer by bringing it back to Jews and also extending its reach beyond the Jewish audience.
May 18, 2001

May 18, 2001
One of the most difficult of all religious teachings is the importance of forgiving. Forgiveness is taught as something a person should do for God or for others. But, more and more, both religious and secular counselors are encouraging forgiveness … More
May 18, 2001

Capital Punishment: Retribution or Justice?
May 11, 2001
Capital Punishment: Retribution or Justice?
"It puts us in a place of perpetuating a cycle of violence. Closure will never be found if vengeance and revenge continues to be the motivation," says Rev. Verity Jones, senior minister of Central Christian Church.
May 11, 2001

Thomas Lynch
May 4, 2001
Thomas Lynch
A profile of a man who knows a great deal about poetry and a great deal about funerals. He is Thomas Lynch, writer and mortician, and each of his vocations enriches the other.
May 4, 2001

The Archbishop of Canterbury
April 27, 2001
The Archbishop of Canterbury
R & E talks with Archbishop of Canterbury Dr. George Carey about interfaith communication and conversion — particularly, whether Christians should take it upon themselves to attempt to convert Jews.
April 27, 2001