Church Economics Prize
February 13, 2015
Church Economics Prize
"To me, the idea of a church offering an economic well-being award makes perfect sense," says Bay Ridge United Methodist Church pastor Robert Emerick. The idea of offering a prize for the best explanation about why the economy is doing so poorly compared to a generation ago started when Rev. Emerick ...
February 13, 2015
Preparing for Losar
February 13, 2015
Preparing for Losar
Sharing a special meal and performing rituals of spiritual cleansing help Tibetan Buddhists get ready for the upcoming new year.
February 13, 2015
Vaccination Debate; Inoculation Ethics; Homeless Female Veterans
February 6, 2015
Vaccination Debate; Inoculation Ethics; Homeless Female Veterans
A conversation about the US measles outbreak; parents who refuse to vaccinate their children based on personal beliefs; and an organization called Final Salute that meets the needs of homeless women veterans and their children.
February 6, 2015
Vaccination Debate
February 6, 2015
Vaccination Debate
“There’s really no widespread religious objection to the [measles] vaccine…It’s that I have a belief that these vaccines are harmful, or that they don’t work, or I don’t believe that somebody else should be telling me how to raise my kids,” says Religion News Service editor-in-chief ...
February 6, 2015
Inoculation Ethics
February 6, 2015
Inoculation Ethics
In most states, parents can choose not to vaccinate their children based on a personal or religious objection. It's a choice that has begun raising concerns about the ethics of refusal and the rising risk of outbreaks.
February 6, 2015
National Prayer Breakfast
February 6, 2015
National Prayer Breakfast
People from many faiths gathered in Washington for the 63rd annual National Prayer Breakfast, including the Dalai Lama. One major theme this year was fighting religious extremism, which President Obama said "is not unique to one group or one religion."
February 6, 2015
Science for Seminaries; India’s Slum Dwellers; Thomas Merton
January 30, 2015
Science for Seminaries; India’s Slum Dwellers; Thomas Merton
A new program encourages seminaries and divinity schools to teach more science; a community organizer helps improve living conditions for the very poor in India’s sprawling slums and around the world; a famous Trappist monk, poet, activist, contemplative, and prolific writer would have been 100 ...
January 30, 2015
Science for Seminaries
January 30, 2015
Science for Seminaries
"If our earth is not the only inhabitable world, what does that imply?" asks Dr. Jennifer Wiseman, director of the Dialogue on Science, Ethics, and Religion at the American Association for the Advancement of Science. “That’s an exciting question and the kind of thing I hope will be discussed ...
January 30, 2015
India’s Slum Dwellers
January 30, 2015
India’s Slum Dwellers
Jockin Arputham started his campaign to build a network among the urban poor by organizing a critical mass of India's slum-dwelling population, especially women’s collectives. Today they pressure local governments to be more responsive to their needs, especially toilet and sanitation facilities.
January 30, 2015
Thomas Merton
January 30, 2015
Thomas Merton
"With the death of Thomas Merton, we lost really one of the great Catholic voices, one of the great prophetic figures within the Catholic Church. And I think that’s why his books are still selling, why they’re still being translated because that message is as relevant today as when he wrote it," ...
January 30, 2015
State of the Union and News of the Week; Halki Seminary; Bruce Cockburn
January 23, 2015
State of the Union and News of the Week; Halki Seminary; Bruce Cockburn
Religious reaction to the State of the Union speech; a historic Eastern Orthodox seminary in Turkey that religious freedom activists want reopened; singer, songwriter, and spiritual seeker Bruce Cockburn
January 23, 2015
State of the Union and News of the Week
January 23, 2015
State of the Union and News of the Week
Social justice and civil rights activists had a lot to like in President Obama's address, but religious conservatives were concerned by the “reframing” of issues such as gay marriage as matters of freedom and justice.
January 23, 2015
Halki Seminary
January 23, 2015
Halki Seminary
"We are confident that someday this school will reopen, and we have to prepare ourselves for that day," says Metropolitan Elpidophoros, the abbot of Halki. He has reestablished a monastery at the site of the distinguished Eastern Orthodox seminary closed by the Turkish government for 43 years.
January 23, 2015
Bruce Cockburn
January 23, 2015
Bruce Cockburn
"I don’t see how you can have a relationship with God that doesn’t involve a state of receptivity—and a receptivity to lots of stuff, because God does show up in all kinds of odd ways."
January 23, 2015
Muslims and the Paris Attacks; Restoring Community in Ferguson; India’s Artificial Limb Enterprise
January 16, 2015
Muslims and the Paris Attacks; Restoring Community in Ferguson; India’s Artificial Limb Enterprise
Muslims respond to renewed debates about Islam and extremism; a charity in India provides free orthopedic care to poor people with disabilities and missing limbs; church leaders in Ferguson, Missouri, try to help their divided community heal
January 16, 2015
Muslims and the Paris Attacks
January 16, 2015
Muslims and the Paris Attacks
Muslims around the world are "the only ones that can actually win this battle because it is about an extremist ideology that they are going to have to stand up against," says Haris Tarin, director of the Washington office of the Muslim Public Affairs Council.
January 16, 2015
Restoring Community in Ferguson
January 16, 2015
Restoring Community in Ferguson
Church leaders are building bridges among divided communities in the wake of violent protests and lingering tensions.
January 16, 2015
“Come to Selma”
January 9, 2015
“Come to Selma”
As the movie opens today (January 9) in theaters around the country amidst controversy over its portrayal of former president Lyndon Johnson, we speak with director Ava DuVernay and David Oyelowo, the actor who portrays Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., about what it means to them to tell the story of ...
January 9, 2015
Social Media Ethics; Raising Children in Two Faiths; Orthodox Epiphany
January 9, 2015
Social Media Ethics; Raising Children in Two Faiths; Orthodox Epiphany
Controversy over experiments conducted by social media companies—like Facebook—on their users; interfaith families that observe the religious traditions of more than one faith; and celebrating Orthodox Epiphany at the Jordan River
January 9, 2015
Social Media Ethics
January 9, 2015
Social Media Ethics
Some social media companies—including Facebook—have run experiments to learn what influences user behavior. Many of these experiments have troubled both social media users and privacy advocates, who worry that this research and use of personal information is unethical.
January 9, 2015

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