Syria Monastery
July 20, 2012
Syria Monastery
"We are together in front of God and recognize each other as believers...these Muslim, Christian and Jewish, they worship God in a kind of choir," Father Paolo Dall'Oglio told correspondent Fred de Sam Lazaro in describing the work of his monastery before violence erupted in Syria.
July 20, 2012
Muslim Olympic Athletes and Ramadan Fasting
July 20, 2012
Muslim Olympic Athletes and Ramadan Fasting
“We asked religious scholars and they said that if we’re out on a mission like this, there is no problem with not fasting on the condition that when you return, you fast the days you lost, because fasting like prayer is obligatory," says Abu Rmeileh, the first Palestinian to qualify for the ...
July 20, 2012
Ramadan Quran Recitation
July 20, 2012
Ramadan Quran Recitation
“When you are reciting the Quran you feel like you are talking to Allah,” says Quran reciter Sheikh Mohammad Alraee. During Ramadan he has been chanting the Quran from memory at the Islamic Center of Northern Virginia.
July 20, 2012
Kilimanjaro Trees
July 13, 2012
Kilimanjaro Trees
Some estimates predict that the glaciers of Mount Kilimanjaro will disappear completely by 2020. Without the ice and snow, the rivers that flow down the mountain will simply dry up. "Then there is no life here. The people will have to move or they die," says assistant bishop Frederick Shoo.
July 13, 2012
Prosecutorial Misconduct
July 13, 2012
Prosecutorial Misconduct
Some federal prosecutors are being accused of breaking the rules and wrongfully withholding evidence from defense attorneys that could affect the outcome of a trial. "When prosecutors get into the heat of battle, something takes over the competitive spirit...and they want to win at all costs," says ...
July 13, 2012
Attorney Brendan Sullivan Extended Interview
July 13, 2012
Attorney Brendan Sullivan Extended Interview
Famed criminal defense attorney Brendan Sullivan discusses the ill-fated prosecution of the late Alaska Senator Ted Stevens and offers some suggestions for improvements at the U.S. Department of Justice.
July 13, 2012
Converting the Masai
July 6, 2012
Converting the Masai
"We empower national Masai to do the ministry. I didn’t start any of these churches. I’m not the leader of any of these churches. But we’ve trained these people so that they could move out and do it," says Gary Woods, a missionary who has been preaching in Africa for 25 years.
July 6, 2012
E. J. Dionne on Liberty and Community
July 6, 2012
E. J. Dionne on Liberty and Community
"I think right from the beginning of our republic, we’ve been torn by this tension between individualism and community…But I think we too often tell our story almost entirely on the individualistic side," says author and commentator E. J. Dionne.
July 6, 2012
Sister Corita
July 6, 2012
Sister Corita
“She had to have been the least naïve nun that I can think of,” says Kathryn Wat, curator of an exhibition of prints by graphic artist Sister Corita Kent (1918-1986) at the National Museum of Women in the Arts in Washington, DC.
July 6, 2012
Nuns on the Bus: Preaching the Faithful Budget
July 3, 2012
Nuns on the Bus: Preaching the Faithful Budget
Watch excerpts from the July 2nd arrival of "Nuns on the Bus" on Capitol Hill and listen to Sister Simone Campbell, executive director of NETWORK, talk about the Ryan budget versus the nuns' "faithful budget."
July 3, 2012
Religious Responses to Supreme Court Decisions
June 29, 2012
Religious Responses to Supreme Court Decisions
Individual liberty versus the common good and the ongoing need for comprehensive immigration reform were among the issues religious groups continued to debate as the High Court’s current term came to a close
June 29, 2012
Niger Famine and Regreening
June 29, 2012
Niger Famine and Regreening
"Drought does not need to mean famine," according to Niger's president, who adds that the country is tired of needing help and not being able to feed its own people. "We need to escape from emergency aid. We need to help our population produce and provide for itself."
June 29, 2012
Craig Dykstra: Religion and Lilly Endowment
June 29, 2012
Craig Dykstra: Religion and Lilly Endowment
“Just plant the seeds in hope and faith, and you see early fruits that are terribly encouraging."
June 29, 2012
E. J. Dionne: “Religion is Always There”
June 27, 2012
E. J. Dionne: “Religion is Always There”
The Washington Post columnist and author of Our Divided Political Heart: The Battle for the American Idea in an Age of Discontent says, "Religion is always there below the surface in our politics."
June 27, 2012
Churches and the Mentally Ill
June 22, 2012
Churches and the Mentally Ill
At the Episcopal Church of the Holy Comforter in Atlanta, most of the congregation is made of up of people with mental illnesses—bipolar disorder, clinical depression, schizophrenia—who worship and pray together.
June 22, 2012
United Farm Workers 50th Anniversary
June 22, 2012
United Farm Workers 50th Anniversary
"It was the first successful labor union for farmworkers,” says author Miriam Pawel. “It was very much the civil rights movement of the West,". But fifty years after its founding by the late Cesar Chavez, the UFW is struggling to retain membership and influence.
June 22, 2012
American Buddhism on the Rise
June 22, 2012
American Buddhism on the Rise
We ask attendees at the opening night of the BuddhaFest film festival to talk about their attraction to Buddhism. Watch an audio slideshow of the interviews and listen to a Buddhist chant performed during the opening ceremony.
June 22, 2012
Debating Religious Liberty
June 15, 2012
Debating Religious Liberty
A national debate is underway over the First Amendment, federal law, and whether “reasonable minds can disagree” about what religious freedom means. Watch excerpts from some recent interviews.
June 15, 2012
Healthy Visions
June 15, 2012
Healthy Visions
A nonprofit agency in Greater Cincinnati tries to guide young people in their decision-making about sexuality, dating, drugs, social media, and more.
June 15, 2012
Buddhist Abbot Nicholas Vreeland
June 15, 2012
Buddhist Abbot Nicholas Vreeland
"I am a human being, I'm a Buddhist monk, I am a Westerner," says this sophisticated photographer, and the Dalai Lama has also asked him to lead one of Tibetan Buddhism's most important monasteries.
June 15, 2012

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