A roundup of Secrets in the News for June 2021.
Ancient people lived at German ‘Stonehenge,’ site of brutal human sacrifices
Live Science: GERMANY – Germany’s “Stonehenge,” an ancient site known for its ritual use and gruesome human burials, also served another purpose: Some people called it home, according to archaeologists who recently found evidence of residential dwellings there. [read more]
Ancient people lived at German ‘Stonehenge,’ site of brutal human sacrifices:
More than 100 residential dwellings were found there.https://t.co/EWTRAObphy
via @LiveScience— Artemission.com – Ancient Art? (@ArtemissionArt) June 19, 2021
Researchers have detected DNA from Yersinia pestis, the bacterium that causes Black Death
Archaeology Magazine: ENGLAND – Researchers have detected DNA from Yersinia pestis, the bacterium that causes Black Death, in the teeth of people buried in a fourteenth-century parish cemetery and friary in Cambridge and in the nearby village of Clopton. [read more]
Researchers have detected DNA from Yersinia pestis, the bacterium that causes Black Death, in the teeth of people buried in a fourteenth-century parish cemetery and friary in Cambridge and in the nearby village of Clopton.https://t.co/wMixD36A9N pic.twitter.com/PWrxCwRc7V
— Archaeology Magazine (@archaeologymag) June 23, 2021
3200-year-old shrine in Turkey may be an ancient view of the cosmos
New Scientist: TURKEY – A shrine built more than 3000 years ago in what is now Turkey may be a symbolic representation of the cosmos, with symbolic meanings relating to the underworld, the earth and sky. [read more]
A shrine built more than 3000 years ago in what is now Turkey may be a symbolic representation of the cosmos, with symbolic meanings relating to the underworld, the earth and sky. https://t.co/IxdmCLGxMt pic.twitter.com/5rKgdFmGkQ
— New Scientist (@newscientist) June 23, 2021
9,000-Year-Old Obsidian Tools Recovered from Great Lake
Archaeology Magazine: TEXAS – 9,000-year-old tools made from obsidian quarried in central Oregon have been found some 2,000 miles away at an undisturbed archaeological site now submerged in Lake Huron. [read more]
9,000-year-old tools made from obsidian quarried in central Oregon have been found some 2,000 miles away at an undisturbed archaeological site now submerged in Lake Huron. https://t.co/LCSzmr4hCn pic.twitter.com/O9nSYRuxw8
— Archaeology Magazine (@archaeologymag) June 21, 2021
Archaeologists investigate mystery of graves reopened 1,400 years ago
Live Science: FRANCE – People living across Europe around 1,400 years ago had a habit of reopening graves and taking out objects for reasons that archaeologists are trying to understand, according to a new study. [read more]
Archaeologists investigate mystery of graves reopened 1,400 years ago https://t.co/d2sdbf9521
— Live Science (@LiveScience) June 19, 2021