The Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci, 1495-1498. Photographic reproduction: Copyright 2006-2007 HAL9000 S.r.l. (Public domain)
1. Shakespeare’s Skull Probably Stolen by Grave Robbers
The first archaeological investigation of Shakespeare’s grave at Holy Trinity church in Stratford-on-Avon has been carried out for a documentary. The archaeologists concluded that Shakespeare’s head appears to be missing and that the skull was probably stolen by trophy hunters. This year marks the 400th anniversary of William Shakespeare’s death. Learn more at The Guardian.
2. Want to Live in a Castle? Here Are Three Castles in Ireland You Could Buy for the Same Prices as an NYC Apartment
Glin Castle, a 21-bedroom castle in Limerick, Ireland costs the same as a 4-bedroom penthouse in Yorkville, Manhattan. Find out more at Time Out New York.
3. Viking Treasure Pot’s Contents Revealed
Conservators have released images of the contents of a pot of Viking treasure more than 1,000 years after it was buried in a field in Galloway, Scotland. Items in the pot include six silver Anglo-Saxon disc brooches, a gold ingot and Byzantium silk. Learn more at BBC.
4. Jesus’ Last Supper Menu Revealed in Archaeology Study
Recent research suggests a bean stew, lamb, olives, bitter herbs, a fish sauce, unleavened bread, dates and aromatized wine likely were on the menu at the Last Supper. The study by two Italian archaeologists relied on Bible verses, Jewish writings, ancient Roman works and archaeological data to investigate the eating habits in Jerusalem at the beginning of the 1st century A.D. Read more at Live Science.
What did Richard III, the last Yorkist King of England, and people in medieval Europe eat? Find out at Secrets of the Dead: Resurrecting Richard III – Prix Fixe Menu for Richard III.
5. New 3D View of Richard III’s Grave Revealed
Scientists have created an interactive digital model of King Richard III’s grave and skeleton. The 3D view of the original grave offers a glimpse into his humble resting place. Richard III’s skeleton was discovered under a parking lot in Leicester in 2012. Explore the model with the 3D-sharing at Sketchfab.
Learn more about Richard III at Secrets of the Dead: Resurrecting Richard III – 11 Things You May Not Know About Richard III.
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