Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci
1. Has Mona Lisa’s Body Been Found?
A team of Italian archaeologists has found bone fragments that they believe belong to one of the world’s most famous models. How do they know? Read more at Discovery.
Watch Secrets of the Dead: The Mona Lisa Mystery and learn if Leonardo da Vinci painted the legendary portrait twice.
2. Oldest Decapitated Head Found in ‘Vogue’ Pose
Archaeologists have unearthed the oldest case of decapitation ever found in the New World. The skull belonged to a young man and was buried in Brazil about 9,000 years ago. Why was he decapitated and why is he in such an odd pose? Find out more at National Geographic.
3. Residents Flee Palmyra as Syrian Government Bombs ISIL
All but a few dozen residents have fled the ISIL-controlled ancient Syrian city of Palmyra following a raid of Syrian government air strikes on the city, killing more than 100 people. Read more at Al Jazeera.
4. Meet the First Saint Ever Canonized on U.S. Soil
Pope Francis made history and stirred controversy by making a saint of Spanish missionary Junipero Serra, who pioneered in the American West and built a string of missions. Read more at CNN.
5. Pre-Roman Tomb Discovered at Pompeii
Archaeologists uncovered a perfectly preserved tomb dating back 2,400 years at the site of the ancient city of Pompeii. The historic Italian site was drowned with debris when Mount Vesuvius erupted in 79 A.D. Read more at ABC News.
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