Artistic life reconstruction of Regaliceratops peterhewsi, Royal Tyrrell Museum, Drumheller, Alberta
1. Mummified French Noblewoman Still Fully Dressed
A team from the French National Institute for Preventive Archaeological Research has unearthed the extraordinarily well-preserved corpse of a 17th-century noblewoman — still dressed in her dress, bonnet and shoes. Read more on CNN.
2. Medicine’s Roots Hidden in an Ancient Manuscript
A language scholar has united missing pages of the oldest known copy of an influential medical text by Galen of Pergamon, a Greco-Roman physician and philosopher who died in 200 A.D. The text was once required reading for aspiring physicians. Read more at The New York Times.
3. New ‘Hellboy’ Dinosaur with Unique Horns Identified
A new species of dinosaur, Regaliceratops peterhewsi, a close relative of Triceratops, was discovered in Alberta, Canada. It is called “Hellboy” for having horns above the eyes and a large frill. Read more at NPR.
4. Nepal Plans to Re-open UNESCO Heritage Sites in August
Nepal is planning to re-open the historical structures and monuments listed by the UNESCO as World Heritage sites beginning August 17. Only 15 percent of Nepal’s World Heritage sites were damaged in the recent devastating earthquakes. Read more at The Indian Express.
5. Leonardo Da Vinci Depicted in 500-Year-Old Engraving?
The engraving, created by Marcantonio Raimondi around 1505, may show Leonardo da Vinci playing a musical instrument called a lira da braccio. If verified, the engraving would represent just the third existing depiction of da Vinci created while he was alive. Read more at NBC News.
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