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Four Ancient Egyptian Sphinxes Sacrificed and More News Items for May


A roundup of Secrets in the News for May 2020. 

Were Vikings in South America over 400 years before Columbus?

Ancient Origins: Academic historians generally do not admit the presence of European visitors to South America until after the arrival of Christopher Columbus. Therefore for them, all talk of Vikings travelling anywhere south of Nova Scotia before 1492 AD is not even hypothetical but pure fiction. In order to maintain this pretense, historians have found it necessary to discard what might be to others common sense and replace it with a preposterous theory… [read more]


Historic monastery surveyed in Czech Republic

Archaeology Magazine: Radio Prague International reports that archaeologists found a secret corridor while creating a 3-D scan of the Premonstratensian Monastery in the town of Milevsko. “We squeezed through the corridor with speleologists and at the end we found a sort of extended space,” said researcher Jiři Šindelář. “When we put all the facts together, the only explanation is that it is a corridor with a safe… [read more]


Four Ancient Egyptian sphinxes sacrificed in political chess match

Ancient Origins: Four ancient Egyptian sphinxes are controversially being reallocated to a busy roundabout in Cairo and Egyptologists are warning they will be exposed to air pollution, which will cause irreversible damage. The four ancient ram-headed sphinxes, according to Egyptologists speaking with reporters at The Guardian , are being relocated to “obscure Egypt’s recent protest history,” with two of them formerly having guarded the entrance of the famous Temple of Karnak in Luxor. The transfer of these four sandstone statues to Tahrir Square in Cairo means they are now exposed to “intense heat and air pollution” and academics and Egyptologists are saying the move “amounts to an attempt to erase Egypt’s recent history.” [read more]


Two ‘warrior women’ from ancient Mongolia may have helped inspire the Ballad of Mulan

Live Science reports: Archaeologists in Mongolia have found the remains of two ancient women warriors, whose skeletal remains indicate that they were well practiced in archery and horseback riding. These two women lived during the Xianbei period (A.D. 147 to 552), a period of political fragmentation and unrest that gave rise to the Ballad of Mulan, the researchers said… [read more]


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