Louvre and Isleworth ‘Mona Lisa’ (the latter in a mirror) © Terra Mater Factual Studios GmbH
1. Ancient Egyptian Fortress Unearthed
The 3,000 year-old ruins and foundations of the largest known fortress in Egypt were unearthed at the ancient fortified city of Tell Habua near the Suez Canal. Read more at The Cairo Post.
2. Ancient Tomb Discovered in Bulgaria
An ancient tomb has been discovered during repair works in the center of the Black Sea city of Varna. According to archaeologists, the object was located beyond the walls of Odessos, the ancient city that was once located where Varna is now. Read more at Novinite.com.
3. Archaeologists Uncover Possible Royal Escape Tunnel at Biblical Site
A team of archaeologists excavating at the ancient site have encountered what they suggest may be what is left of an escape tunnel that was used by the city’s royal elite. Read more at Popular Archaeology.
4. A Second Mona Lisa?
A younger, more attractive version of Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa is currently on view at a new exhibition in Singapore. The owners of the painting say that Leonardo da Vinci himself completed it a decade before his masterpiece in the Louvre. Read more at The Wall Street Journal.
Also, watch Secrets of the Dead: The Mona Lisa Mystery and examine if Leonardo da Vinci painted the legendary portrait twice.
5. Did Body Snatching Advance Medicine?
Secrets of the Dead: Ben Franklin’s Bones, premiering Wednesday, January 28th, reveals some questionable practices in medicine. Do you think body snatching was necessary for the advancement of medicine? Watch a clip and join the conversation.
Did we miss anything you’ve read or watched? Share Secrets in the News you’ve found this week!