Skeleton of Richard III
1. Ring Reveals Evidence of Close Contacts Between Viking and Islamic World
A new study suggests a ninth century ring found by excavators of a Viking trading center in Sweden came directly from the Islamic civilization. The ring includes an inset of colored glass engraved with ancient Arabic script. Read more at ScienceNews.
2. Richard III’s Remains Sealed Inside Coffin
The University of Leicester announced that King Richard III’s skeleton was sealed inside a coffin at a private ceremony. In 2013, the bones of Richard III were found in a parking lot in Leicester, central England. Read more at Discovery News.
Watch Secrets of the Dead: Resurrecting Richard III and learn more the last King of England to die in battle.
3. Richard III Videos Made Available to Public
The University of Leicester made hours of video footage available to media and the public ahead of the reburial of King Richard III. The videos were captured by documentary maker Carl Vivian, and include the historic first moment University of Leicester archaeologist Mat Morris discovered human remains, on the first day of the dig. Read more at Phys.org.
Watch the clips on YouTube.
4. Don Quixote writer Cervantes’ Tomb Found in Madrid
Nearly 400 years after his death, forensic scientists say they have found the tomb of Miguel de Cervantes in Madrid’s Convent of the Barefoot Trinitarians. Cervantes was buried in 1616 but his coffin was later lost. Read more at BBC.
5. Stolen Artifacts Returned to Iraq
U.S. authorities turned over more than 60 stolen artifacts to Iraq, including gold-plated items from Saddam Hussein’s palace and a limestone head of the Assyrian king Sargon II. Read more at Live Science.
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