A mosaic before (L) and after (R) restoration, in the Hatay Archaeology Museum, Turkey. Photograph: Hurriyet Daily News
1. Ancient Mosaics Damaged During Restoration in Turkey
A local newspaper reported at least 10 mosaics held in the Hatay Archaeology Museum in Turkey, the world’s second largest mosaic museum, were damaged during restoration. The issue was first raised by local mosaic craftsman Mehmet Daşkapan, who told a newspaper: “valuable pieces from the Roman period have been ruined. They have become caricatures of their former selves. Some are in an especially poor condition and have lost their originality and value.” Read more and see the pictures at The Guardian.
2. Nazca Line Geoglyphs Formed Ancient Pilgrimage Route
Researchers suggest the Nazca Lines, a series of mysterious geoglyphs etched into the desert in Peru, may have been used by two separate groups to make pilgrimage to an ancient temple. Read more at Live Science.
3. The Rescue Excavations of the “Bulgarian Stonehenge” Funded
A Bulgarian NGO has raised a considerable sum of money to fund the rescue excavations of the so called “Bulgarian Stonehenge” – an Ancient Thracian stone circle discovered in 2001 at the town of Staro Zhelezare in Southern Bulgaria. Read more at Archaeology in Bulgaria.
4. Efforts to Salvage Ancient Sites Damaged by Quake in Nepal
Nepal’s government says at least 70 ancient, sacred sites in the Kathmandu Valley, home to seven UNESCO World Heritage Sites, were severely damaged or destroyed by last month’s earthquake. With the UN’s help, every ancient object that’s found intact at the site will be stored in a secure place to protect from looters. However, archaeologists fear that some artifacts are already lost or stolen. Read more at NPR.
5. Crisis Mapping in Nepal Helps Relief Efforts
Thousands of people in remote areas in Nepal are still in need of medical help and basic supplies but to know what aid is needed and where it should be directed is a challenge. Non-profit organization Kathmandu Living Labs, part of a global crowd-sourcing effort, is trying to change that by accurately mapping Nepal after the quake. Read more at BBC.
Watch Secrets of the Dead: The Lost Diary of Dr. Livingstone and learn about Dr. David Livingstone, who filled in the map of Africa through his expeditions.
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