See archival images and stills of individuals featured in Carthage’s Lost Warriors.
Ahren carved into the rock of the Brazilian state of Paraíba Ingá
Glyphs could be of Celtic origin – as amateur researchers speculate.
Credit: Courtesy of ZDF Enterprises
Ancient Carthaginian ships sailing off the coast of Brazil - a bold vision or a historical event (animation)
Credit: Courtesy of ZDF Enterprises
Ancient axe head from Amazonia
Credit: Courtesy of ZDF Enterprises
Mummies of the Chachapoyas
Photo Credit: ZDF Enterprises
Ancient Carthage went down by flame and sword. But whither fled the survivors still puzzles scientists (animation).
Photo Credit: ZDF Enterprises
Dr. Peter Lerche
For 30 years, German ethnologist Dr. Peter Lerche has been unraveling the mystery of the Chachapoyas in the mountain rain forest of Peru.
Photo Credit: ZDF Enterprises
The filmmaker Michael Gregory shooting in Paraíba, Brazil
Credit: Courtesy of ZDF Enterprises
The Chachapoyas used the technique of trepanation later mastered by European Celts.
The skull holes were made for medical and religious purposes.
Credit: Courtesy of ZDF Enterprises
The fortress walls of Chachapoyas Kuelap
The fortress walls of Chachapoyas Kuelap, these same ancient buildings were common in the Mediterranean.
Photo Credit: ZDF Enterprises
The high seas fleet of the Carthaginians could theoretically cross the Atlantic (animation).
Credit: Courtesy of ZDF Enterprises
The mummies of the Chachapoyas
The mummies of the Chachapoyas provide scientists with important clues about their origin.
Photo Credit: ZDF Enterprises
Rocio Paz Sotero
Peruvian archaeologist Rocio Paz Sotero examines the mummies from destroyed graves of the Chachapoyas.
Photo Credit: ZDF Enterprises
The round stone houses of the Chachapoyas
The round stone houses of the Chachapoyas in the Peruvian Andes - same as 2,000 year old Celtic remains in northern Spain.
Photo Credit: ZDF Enterprises
Clotilde Alva
The potter Clotilde Alva from the Chachapoyas – site Huancas (Peru ) maintains the cultural heritage of her legendary ancestors.
Photo Credit: ZDF Enterprises
Copper ax appeared in the Amazon jungle
This enigmatic copper ax appeared in the Amazon jungle - evidence of transatlantic contacts long before Columbus.
Photo Credit: ZDF Enterprises
Professor Vanderley de Brito
Professor Vanderley de Brito working on deciphering the carvings in the rock of the Brazilian state of Paraíba Ingá – glyphs from over 2,000 years ago.
Photo Credit: ZDF Enterprises
Grave robbers damaged these Chachapoyas mummies in search of fabrics and gold jewelry.
Photo Credit: ZDF Enterprises
The ruins of Kuelap in Peru
Photo Credit: ZDF Enterprises
Rock of Ingá in the Brazilian mountains
Photo Credit: ZDF Enterprises
Did the ancestors of the Indo- blond peasant girl Cecilia Flores come from Europe long before Columbus?
Photo Credit: ZDF Enterprises
Cameraman Alexander Hein during filming in Chachapoyas Peru.
Photo Credit: ZDF Enterprises
Celtic fortress Castro de Baroña in northwestern Spain has an amazing resemblance to the pre-Columbian Chachapoyas Kuelap City in Peru.
Credit: Courtesy of ZDF Enterprises
Professor Hans Giffhorn presents the hypothesis that the Celts and Carthaginians journeyed to Peru almost 2,000 years ago.