S13 Ep3: Carthage's Lost Warriors Behind the Scenes GalleryMarch 30, 2014 See archival images and stills of individuals featured in Carthage’s Lost Warriors. Ahren carved into the rock of the Brazilian state of Paraíba IngáGlyphs could be of Celtic origin – as amateur researchers speculate. Credit: Courtesy of ZDF EnterprisesAncient Carthaginian ships sailing off the coast of Brazil - a bold vision or a historical event (animation)Credit: Courtesy of ZDF Enterprises Ancient axe head from AmazoniaCredit: Courtesy of ZDF EnterprisesMummies of the Chachapoyas Photo Credit: ZDF EnterprisesAncient Carthage went down by flame and sword. But whither fled the survivors still puzzles scientists (animation). Photo Credit: ZDF EnterprisesDr. Peter LercheFor 30 years, German ethnologist Dr. Peter Lerche has been unraveling the mystery of the Chachapoyas in the mountain rain forest of Peru. Photo Credit: ZDF EnterprisesThe filmmaker Michael Gregory shooting in Paraíba, BrazilCredit: Courtesy of ZDF EnterprisesThe Chachapoyas used the technique of trepanation later mastered by European Celts. The skull holes were made for medical and religious purposes.Credit: Courtesy of ZDF EnterprisesThe fortress walls of Chachapoyas KuelapThe fortress walls of Chachapoyas Kuelap, these same ancient buildings were common in the Mediterranean. Photo Credit: ZDF EnterprisesThe high seas fleet of the Carthaginians could theoretically cross the Atlantic (animation).Credit: Courtesy of ZDF EnterprisesThe mummies of the ChachapoyasThe mummies of the Chachapoyas provide scientists with important clues about their origin. Photo Credit: ZDF EnterprisesRocio Paz SoteroPeruvian archaeologist Rocio Paz Sotero examines the mummies from destroyed graves of the Chachapoyas. Photo Credit: ZDF EnterprisesThe round stone houses of the ChachapoyasThe round stone houses of the Chachapoyas in the Peruvian Andes - same as 2,000 year old Celtic remains in northern Spain. Photo Credit: ZDF EnterprisesClotilde AlvaThe potter Clotilde Alva from the Chachapoyas – site Huancas (Peru ) maintains the cultural heritage of her legendary ancestors. Photo Credit: ZDF EnterprisesCopper ax appeared in the Amazon jungleThis enigmatic copper ax appeared in the Amazon jungle - evidence of transatlantic contacts long before Columbus. Photo Credit: ZDF EnterprisesProfessor Vanderley de Brito Professor Vanderley de Brito working on deciphering the carvings in the rock of the Brazilian state of Paraíba Ingá – glyphs from over 2,000 years ago. Photo Credit: ZDF EnterprisesGrave robbers damaged these Chachapoyas mummies in search of fabrics and gold jewelry. Photo Credit: ZDF EnterprisesThe ruins of Kuelap in PeruPhoto Credit: ZDF EnterprisesRock of Ingá in the Brazilian mountainsPhoto Credit: ZDF EnterprisesDid the ancestors of the Indo- blond peasant girl Cecilia Flores come from Europe long before Columbus? Photo Credit: ZDF EnterprisesCameraman Alexander Hein during filming in Chachapoyas Peru. Photo Credit: ZDF EnterprisesCeltic fortress Castro de Baroña in northwestern Spain has an amazing resemblance to the pre-Columbian Chachapoyas Kuelap City in Peru.Credit: Courtesy of ZDF Enterprises Professor Hans Giffhorn presents the hypothesis that the Celts and Carthaginians journeyed to Peru almost 2,000 years ago.Photo Credit: ZDF Enterprises SHARE