S12 Ep4: Caveman Cold Case Behind the Scenes GalleryMay 14, 2013 See stills and images of individuals featured in Caveman Cold Case. Mountain and valleys of Asturien, North Spain© Terra Mater Factual Studios/ Photographer Ruth Berry / Bernhard PopovicMain entrance of the El Sidrón cave system© Terra Mater Factual Studios/ Photographer Ruth Berry / Bernhard PopovicEl Sidrón cave© Terra Mater Factual Studios/ Photographer Ruth Berry / Bernhard PopovicEl Sidrón cave© Terra Mater Factual Studios/ Photographer Ruth Berry / Bernhard PopovicEl Sidrón cave© Terra Mater Factual Studios/ Photographer Ruth Berry / Bernhard PopovicOssuary gallery – location where the bones were found© Terra Mater Factual Studios/ Photographer Ruth Berry / Bernhard PopovicDig in Ossuary gallery© Terra Mater Factual Studios/ Photographer Ruth Berry / Bernhard PopovicA Neanderthals’ lower jaw© Terra Mater Factual Studios/ Photographer Ruth Berry / Bernhard PopovicA Neanderthals skull© Terra Mater Factual Studios/ Photographer Ruth Berry / Bernhard PopovicExact location of the Neanderthals’ lower jaw © Terra Mater Factual Studios/ Photographer Ruth Berry / Bernhard PopovicStone tools © Terra Mater Factual Studios/ Photographer Ruth Berry / Bernhard PopovicLaboratory study of the bones© Terra Mater Factual Studios/ Photographer Ruth Berry / Bernhard PopovicFirst model of a Neanderthal based on genetic evidence© Terra Mater Factual Studios/ Photographer Ruth Berry / Bernhard PopovicPaleoanthropologist Antonio Rosas© Terra Mater Factual Studios/ Photographer Ruth Berry / Bernhard PopovicDirector Ruth Berry and Director of photography Bernhard Popovic at the shoot in El Sidrón© Terra Mater Factual Studios/ Photographer Ruth Berry / Bernhard PopovicNeanderthal caves in Gibraltar© Terra Mater Factual Studios/ Photographer Ruth Berry / Bernhard PopovicNeanderthal caves in Gibraltar© Terra Mater Factual Studios/ Photographer Ruth Berry / Bernhard PopovicUnderwater archaeologist Geraldine Finlayson with a Neanderthal-skull© Terra Mater Factual Studios/ Photographer Ruth Berry / Bernhard PopovicEvolutionary ecologist Clive Finlayson in Gorham’s cave© Terra Mater Factual Studios/ Photographer Ruth Berry / Bernhard PopovicPaleoanthropologist Antonio Rosas with Neanderthal skeleton at his institute in Madrid© Terra Mater Factual Studios/ Photographer Ruth Berry / Bernhard PopovicPaleoanthropologist Antonio Rosas und archaeologist Marco de la Rasilla – Team of El-Sidrón© Terra Mater Factual Studios/ Photographer Ruth Berry / Bernhard PopovicGeneticist Carles Lalueza-Fox in his DNA-laboratory in Barcelona© Terra Mater Factual Studios/ Photographer Ruth Berry / Bernhard PopovicGeneticist Carles Lalueza-Fox in his DNA-laboratory in Barcelona© Terra Mater Factual Studios/ Photographer Ruth Berry / Bernhard PopovicAnthropologist John Hawks in the Natural History Museum of Vienna, Paleo-Anthropology Exhibition© Terra Mater Factual Studios/ Photographer Ruth Berry / Bernhard PopovicAnthropologist John Hawks in the Natural History Museum of Vienna, Paleo-Anthropology Exhibition© Terra Mater Factual Studios/ Photographer Ruth Berry / Bernhard Popovic SHARE